Storms rock. There's the sunshine afterward to look forward to.
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
A Continuation...
My endeavours to make this new blog presentable and acceptable have paid off, methinks. Naturally, these previous two posts are completely out of point and totally uninteresting to read.
I just have too much time on my hands. Ironic, since I'm making an effort to multitask right now by doing my GP homework at the same moments as I type this soliloquy(did I spell it right? ;P)
Do not fear, fellow ex CJC-Hostel Scholars!!! You might see some interesting posts yet!! Come back tomorrow, when I shall present a remarkably accurate-and-yet-everyone-will-deny-it account of a crucial aspect of our existences...
If you are not an ex-CJC-Hostel Scholar, then come back anyway. I just might entertain you... O_0