Storms rock. There's the sunshine afterward to look forward to.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
An Eventful Period of Time
The whirl of events are still whirling through my whirling head. How many things have happened these nine days? I cannot count. What remains in my mind is a mere fraction of all the things we went through, but that fraction is enough to make me still sit back, look at it all, and wonder, how did I manage to get through all that?
So, we got Gold with Honours (!!!) for SYF, and we were all jumping and screaming and all that nonsense, and the Drama Club was happily immune to any form of scolding, criticism or anythng that bore a negative vibe for the entire day. And for others, it lasted more than one day. I, for one, have yet to get out of my happy mood. Then again, was I ever NOT in a happy mood?
Don't answer that question, Ayto. Haha...
AND THEN! We were preparing for Mardi Gras, now with added pressure on the cast and crew to perform spectacularly well thanks to our *ahem* *cue the 20th Century Fox music* GOLD WITH HONOURS!!! *music off* The crew worked like crazy for three days, the third and final day being the most crazy. I pulled ropes until they burned through the gloves I was wearing, I taped stuff down here and there until my fingers got glue permanently on them, I flipped switches and checked lightings until my fingers went numb and I started to see stars and comets and Bugs Bunny in front of my eyes even when the lights were off, I ate waffles until I got sick of them.... No, wait, I'll never be sick of waffles. But you get the idea. Take away the exaggeration, multiply the tiredness by a thousand and you get my Mardi Gras experience. The performance went well, although I'm bound to be biased, watching from my lighting control hidey hole.
I'm telling you, it's fun watchin from this place. Before the performance preparations, I never even knew this place existed. Now it's the place my gaze always snaps to whenever I go to the auditorium, and I miss it dearly.
Our set, which we worked really hard to put up. You might think it's not as hard as it looks, but when machinery fails you and you are required to use only arm power to set up stuff like this, I think only TJC Drama Crew can tell you unsympathetically, "We're used to it. Go cry on your machines".
On a whim, after the performance finished, in the spirit of Mardi Gras, I decided to roam around like L. I didn't bring the costume with me, so I borrowed the most similar thing I could find. While the 'costume' in itself really didn't look much like L, my experiences of acting as L more than made up for it, and while I roamed around the school looking for Ayto, there must have been 5 people/groups of people who asked me to take picture with them as L. And a million more people who identified me despite the sucky costume. Thank God for acting talent. Coincidentally, there was a Ryuk doll at the coupon stand, so naturally...

Not even Shinigami can beat L... Wakakakakaka... Ryuk voodoo doll for $1000. $999 for L to catch him, and $1 for L to turn him into a doll... Any takers?
And then the holidays officially started. Or I would like to say, but sadly, we had to go back for makeup lessons. Screw it. At this rate, who's going to have enough time to study for JCTs? Only the most consistent muggers I know, maybe. As it is, even now, I'm in school for makeup lessons, arriving in school and hour and a half early to make use of Internet connections which I am sadly unable to enjoy because the hostel Internet only favours a modicum of people and my roomie is absent due to his brother's arrival and so I cannot make use of his extrenal modem, either. And so I am forced to catharthically rant on me blog.
Oh yeah, I was finally officially commissioned as an usher on Saturday! With tag and everything. And that Saturday had to be the day of coincidences. I was bumping into scholars at Expo left, right and center, both in church (people I knew were in church but we split up into different hostels after O'Levels, and also people from my own hostel I never knew shared a church with me), and outside church (you won't BELIEVE how many expos were going on that day. Every hall had to be full. Predictably, I only patronized the Popular Fair hall...)
I met Bo Er, Matthew Chan, Albert and Khanh on the Sunday and we had a fun time just talking cock like we always do. The good ol' days always seem to return whenever SJI scholars get together. It's a gift we all share. Happenings in TJ, NJ and NYJ were updated during our time together, and like always, we always know what is happening to each other.
There is a whole tsunami of other memories obtained during the past nine days, but either I have forgotten them, think they're not worth mentioning, or want to keep them secret. Some things just aren't meant to be put on a blog. They're meant to be thrown into the part of your brain that says "Recycle Bin" or saved with multiple passwords for protection.