Storms rock. There's the sunshine afterward to look forward to.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
A Special Valentine's Day

"Dearly Beloved, we are gathered today here in this holy place in the presence of God to bear witness to this union of man and woman..."
Such was the beginning of the Valentine's Day surprise our dear Pastor Kong had planned for all the married couples in the church building. In line with his Valentine's period's sermon series on relationships, Pastor Kong got all the married couples to renew their marriage vows.
And so every married couple in the church at the time (which made up a freaking significant percentage of the whole church) re-exchanged their marriage vows in a ceremony that I'm sure was as wonderful as their initial wedding ceremony. They exchanged new rings (which were a rather expensive gift from the church), and the whole thing culminated in a 15-second kiss (Pastor's orders) that sent the rest of the hall into tumultuous applause. I'm sure Pastor Kong was having the time of his life up there on stage.
"For what God has joined together, let no man or woman separate."