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Storms rock. There's the sunshine afterward to look forward to.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Women Rule The World

What evidence is there that women rule the world? Take a look at the world now and ask yourself how different it would be if men were REALLY in charge. Think about what men want, and whether the world provides them or limits them. Of course, logically, if men ruled the world, the world should be organised to give them what they want. And is it? See the following points below.

If a man wanted a woman to notice him, he'd have to hold doors open, buy flowers and diamonds, stay polite, lift heavy objects, kill spiders (shudder), pretend to be interested in things he most likely isn't, and generally try to be a sensitive person. Men do most of the date asking and trying to get into women's good books, and women everywhere are able to squash our fragile egos easier than raw eggs. Do you think men designed that system? If it were really up to men, all women would have some form of hormonal-display-monitor thingy on them so men could tell when was the best time to win them over and when they should just smile and stay clear. But NOOOOOOO, no one asks the men how they think courtship should work.

Manners are essentially rules, which must be followed in the presence of other people. Therefore, whoever invented 'manners' is controlling our behaviour without even being there. Do you think men invented manners?? Here's evidence that women created manners.

Elbows must not be put on the meal table. This is definitely not a male idea. The table is exactly where elbows should go. Why put a table as high as the elbows if not to put them on it? A lot of tables in family homes have flowery centrepieces, but no elbows. Now, who do you think thought of that?

Certain words are considered impolite. Imagine a room where men discuss what words should be considered impolite:
"The next word for consideration is 'shit'. "
One man faints.
'Shit' is added to the forbidden words list.
If you can't imagine such a scenario, I rest my case.

Ever encountered a woman who got angry at you because you were having fun when there were heavy objects to be moved somewhere? Now, if men really ruled the world, those heavy objects would be just fine where they were. But of course, since women are in charge, those objects are ALWAYS in the wrong place and must be moved, at the expense of your TV show or your game.

On average, a man earns more than a woman. People might say this is good, but think about it. Given the choice, assuming one has enough money in the first place, people would rather spend money than earn more. And who, I ask, WHO, is doing more spending? If you have been living in a cave and don't believe that women do most of the spending, just walk into any mall and see what kind of shops there are. If you're a male, you walk into a bookstore, get a book, and get out. Or you walk into a hardware store, get a 15-variable-bit screwdriver, and get out. That's all you want, that's all you buy. But clearly, someone is buying everything else. How else could the other shops stay in business. SOMEONE is buying flowery notebooks. SOMEONE is buying a Louis Vuitton bag every week. SOMEONE is buying shoes every day.
Who could it be?
Kids have no money. Animals aren't even allowed in malls, let alone buy stuff. Therefore, by process of elimination, it's the women who are buying everything else.

Do you see fathers anywhere ordering their wives around, or do you see them whispering to their kids, "Don't argue with your mother." ? 'Nuff said.

Now, I know this is not always the case, but ON AVERAGE, women do more life-saving stuff than men. More women cook so the human population can survive. More women are able to sew and as such save the dignity of the person who has a rip in his jeans at the crotch area. More women are not beneath cleaning, so they enjoy the benefits of better hygiene. So THERFORE, WHO do you think controls life on the whole?

Life expectancy

You know why the life expectancy of women is so much higher than men? Think about it. A pretty woman is held at gunpoint by a random robber or something. 50 men come to her rescue just when she bats her eyelashes. A woman is able to go about life LIKE NORMAL even while bleeding God-knows-how-much blood EVERY MONTH. A woman can endure pains of childbirth!
It logically follows, then, that if women are tougher generally, able to get men to take bullets for them, and thus are able to survive longer, WHO is the superior one here? And continuing this train of thought, the superior ones should logically dominate the inferior ones. So WHO rules the world?? D'uh.

Now, if men ruled the world of fashion, they would act as if no one would notice women at all unless they wore some uncomfortable shoes which were akin to balancing on thier toes and a stick, or wore garments that were transparent in certain areas, or enhanced their looks with chemicals that hid blemishes and unsightly features. Thus, they would have the power to make women insecure and keep them that way unless they improved their look.
Oh wait, men DO rule the world of fashion. But it's about the only thing they control. And let's face it, you can't throw the cloth of men's superiority at the iron wall of women's superiority elsewhere and hope that the cloth brings the wall down.

Monday, August 24, 2009

On The Air

"There are better things to do with your life than finding that perfect man. Nailing green Jello on the ceiling, for instance." ~ Heard on the air by the radio announcer for 98.7 FM

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

An Interesting Situation

My blog has been dead for quite some time, so what better way to resurrect it than with one of the interesting things that seem to be such a common occurrence in my life?


On our 'interview skills' handout we got today for Civics:

"Questions you can ask in response to the interviewer's question 'Do you have anything you would like to ask us?' "

And one of those questions was "Would you like me to answer any other questions?"

Imagine the fiasco at the interview room.

"So, before we finish this interview, would you like to ask us anything?"

"Well, I was wondering if you had anything else you wanted to ask me."

"We just did. That's our last question: Would you like to ask us anything?"

"I know. So my question is: Do you have anything else to ask me?"

"Are you trying to be funny with us?"

"Hey, no way man, I honestly want to know."

"But we're giving you an opportunity to find out what you want to know about us!"

"Yeah, and what I want to find out from you is whether you have anything else to ask me!"

"Sir, this is a serious interview."

"I'm aware of that. And I'm being serious."

"By asking us whether we want to ask you anything?"

"Well, yeah."



Of course, interviewers won't be THAT unprofessional. But it'd be interesting, wouldn't it?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

So This is the Power of A'Levels

If the JCTs are any indicator (and I think they are), the Prelims and the A'Levels may prove to indeed be the most demanding piece of **** that we'll ever face.

At this rate, it's no wonder the school is rapidly going into super-revision mode. And giving us 'protected time' later on in the term. And bemoaning our abysmal performance in the JCTs. And stressing to us that Prelims are only 10 weeks away. And... well, you get the idea.

Methinks that for the eventual hell that is to come, prayer and divine intervention (some might say luck), will be just as crucial as the actual work we do in preparation.

On the bright side, though, once it's over, it's over for good. There won't be any Z'Levels or anything like that. I hope.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

JCT Woes

The only thing I want to say about the Lit paper on Monday is: "I never want to see the word UNACCOUNTABLE ever again!" My God, I must have been rambling on and on and on without even doing anything significant. But the other two essays seemed ok, so overall it was fine, I guess.

As for GP yesterday, I'm starting to wonder if I'm way too predictable. I mean, every single person I came across managed to guess which essay I wrote on the first try! I guess my selection range really is that narrow. And the compre was ridiculous. Could they have given a more difficult-to-paraphrase passage? Just when I thought I'd figured out what to say, I spot the same phrase two lines down. Grr.

And WHAT was the Bio paper all about? Bloody difficult. I don't think I've ever taken that long for a Bio paper before. Ran out of time near the last essay question. So in total that's like 10 marks gone. And who knows how much of the nonsense I wrote would be accepted?

I think I sound very angsty. I shall shut up now.

Sunday, June 28, 2009





Friday, June 26, 2009

H1N1 Woes

I have been freaking kicked out of my room because my floor has been turned into a quarantine zone. Since when do the healthy people get more inconvenienced?

And I find it incredibly scary that in the 10 days I was out of Singapore, the number of infected increased twenty-fold.

And to top it all off, TJC seems to have reached the pinnacle of kiasu-ism and is not extending the holidays NOR postponing the Common Tests for any reason whatsoever. So of course, that means a lot more travel declarations to sign, more temperature-taking times, and a hell lot more inconvenience.

What to do? It's a pandemic.

And totally not related to H1N1, my condolences to friends, family and fans of Michael Jackson, whose heart mysteriously failed for strange and undetermined reasons.

And I officially love transforming alien robots!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Revelation of my Subconscious Self?

I do believe that most of the time, dreams are a manifestation of our hopes, dreams, fantasies, desires and fears.

So the 3 consecutive dreams I had two nights ago raised a lot of questions about my true self.


Dream #1

My whole class was condemned by one of our teachers for injuring his right heel (don't ask me why the right heel specifically.) and because of this, our class' reputation fell really badly and everyone shunned us and treated us like crap. Now, we knew that no such thing had happened, but we couldn't say anything against a teacher (according to the logic of my dream-self, anyway). Still, a few classmates had this teacher's car-washing event under the guise of making up for our misdeed but actually waiting to ambush this teacher. Once they did, they ripped off his right shoe and revealed absolutely no wound.


Not having recorded the evidence, this teacher's word still stood firmer than ours and he used the wounding of his heel and the 'assault' on him at the carpark to throw three of us in jail. And not the "jail" jail, but rather, a prison cell that mysteriously was located in the school somewhere. Three of us were imprisoned, me, because this teacher said the CG rep should bear the class' sins, and two others who allegedly caused the heel injury.


For some strange reason, the three of us had street clothes with us in the cell and we made a plan to break out of the cell. Our dream selves knew that there would be a celebratory event in the school soon, at which point the cell would always be unlocked (don't ask why). We planned to change into the street clothes and slip out when none of the teachers were looking. When we executed the plan, my two classmates succeeded in getting away, but just as I was about to escape, a teacher came by and started to scold me really heavily. My dream-self was finally overwhelmed by the injustice of it all, and snapped. My dream-self screamed back a defense at the teacher, attracting the attention of all the other teachers, and bringing my 2 classmates back to my side to back me up. In my dream-self's fury, I dragged the 'wounded' teacher to the fore and yanked off his shoe, all the while screaming and crying tears of fury as the three of us yelled our defense.


And just like that, the dream blacked out.


Dream #2

I was at home, and my parents were in a very-disappointed-with-me mood, the kind where everytime they looked at me, they felt so shamed they would cry. And all because I had gotten my dad coffee instead of tea (because he likes tea way better). I was trying to explain myself, but everytime I tried, I would choke on my words halfway through, mainly because my main consciousness was put in control of my dream-self and I had no idea what I was supposed to do. Just when I thought I had something to say to placate my parents, my dream blacked out again.


Dream #3

No picture. Just a dismembered voice which I later realised was mine reciting every single Bio fact I had studied over the past few days in a rather desperate voice. And when the voice had run through the whole lot of notes I had finished, I woke up.


When I thought about all of this, I realised that maybe, just maybe, these three dreams had a lot to say about my subconscious self that I had never realised in my conscious self before, namely:


Which is all very worrying, because my conscious self was never more than just barely aware of all these things until now, and to top it all off, my conscious self's personality is completely antithesis to my subconscious'. Could I have been just subconsciously suppressing my true self all along ever since I fell short of expectation five years ago? I can't say.

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"I don't need to be a hero, I just want to help someone out."

What an interesting statement to live by.

I'll make a special effort to acknowledge all my unsung heroes I come across from now on, because every little thing they do that helps me makes them a hero in my eyes.

And I'll also make a stronger effort to help people out not for the sake of 'being a hero', but just because I can help.

Saturday, May 30, 2009


One month till the JCTs.


The JCTs are part of determining the continuation of the scholarship to uni.


Ergo: The JCTs are SHIT important.


Of all the times to have my confidence drop.


I'm screwed.



My blog. D'uh.

Where stray bolts(thoughts) get discharged from my head before they ionise every brain cell in my cerebral cortex.

That is... if I had one...

Name: WthameXt

Age: Septumdecim

Education Level: Jay Too

Place of Residence: A jungle with lots of lions...

Occupation: Foreign worker (here's to all you ASEAN scholars out there! ;P)

Likes: Food, Games, Sleep, Lightning

Dislikes: Nothing really...

Religion: Christian!!! And proud of it!!!

Click to view my Personality Profile page

More about me here.


Live Wires

Me Roomie
Rowland's tagboard
Myat Noe
Deep thoughts I wish I could write
Bo Er keeps on changing his URL
Miss Laffalot
Tiong Wei
Matt Chan
Ting Hui
Xi Nan
Mel scribbles
Pastor Kong
Recipes :P

Where Sparks Fly

Past Shocks
Women Rule The World

On The Air

An Interesting Situation

So This is the Power of A'Levels

JCT Woes


H1N1 Woes

Revelation of my Subconscious Self?

"I don't need to be a hero, I just want to help so...


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dafont. Destiny Boy