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Storms rock. There's the sunshine afterward to look forward to.

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


It seems like aeons ago.

Surya was locking himself up in the far-too-tranquil environment of Study Room 2 to mug for his prelims.

Rowland and Truc agreed to disagree on best places to study for prelims. Truc chose their room, Rowland deigned to proceed towards the outside tables.

Conk and Tirta ventured 14.391286 metres away from their room to demonstrate their assiduousness at the study area just after the telephones.

Albert was mugging his head off while relieving his stress by insulting Khanh and Nguyen who just 'happened' to be opposite his room.

Kaizen and Matthew were playing. Ok, fine, sometimes studying. Sometimes.

And then, came prelims. All the CJC-Hostel scholars were frantically writing during their respective papers, some swearing silently, some confidently writing, some swearing silently while confidently writing. We called to mind all the facts.

What does enterokinase do? How do we find empirical formulae? What is the purpose of live wires? How the freaking h*ll do you write this compo topic out? AAAARRRRGH!!!! DIFFERENTIATION!!! YES!! I SPOTTED VENICE SUCCESSFULLY!!!

We survived, but just barely. Brain-dead. Mindlessly celebrating the end of prelims. But it was not to last.

The O'Levels loomed. Loomed faster than any other looming event that has ever loomed at a person who would not want to witness a looming event. The mugging started anew.

But something was different. We were more relaxed. We studied far less as compared to just a month and a half ago. We started to enjoy life. Not as much as the non-exam periods, but the true muggers were still staring at us in shock. And surprisingly enough, when the O'Levels came, although there was a collective swear word we all uttered as we entered the exam hall, the whole exam went quite okay.

Now, we, no, I, look back and wonder. Why? Why the sudden relaxation? Could it be because the facts we learnt for prelims had not left us? Could it be that our scholar-ness gave us some semblance of intelligence so we could still do the paper? What if we were overconfident? What if we did not study enough? What if the true muggers' shock was sound?!? Well, we may regret, but we cannot undo. The day draws near.

It looms, looming faster than any looming event that ever loomed at a person who did not want to witness a looming event. And now, as the day looms ever so close, we can only hope that we'll stay where we want to stay.

Tomorrow, Thursday, we find out if we did what was right. We find out which path is laid out for us in the future. We find out if we can be truly satisfied by our previous efforts. And of course, meet our ex-teachers and juniors.

Will we laugh with joy, or sob in sorrow? For everyone reading this, good luck. For all the ex-SJI scholars, an extra prayer i offer for you. Tomorrow, our O'Level results will be released.



My blog. D'uh.

Where stray bolts(thoughts) get discharged from my head before they ionise every brain cell in my cerebral cortex.

That is... if I had one...

Name: WthameXt

Age: Septumdecim

Education Level: Jay Too

Place of Residence: A jungle with lots of lions...

Occupation: Foreign worker (here's to all you ASEAN scholars out there! ;P)

Likes: Food, Games, Sleep, Lightning

Dislikes: Nothing really...

Religion: Christian!!! And proud of it!!!

Click to view my Personality Profile page

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dafont. Destiny Boy