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Storms rock. There's the sunshine afterward to look forward to.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

A Second Chance

So when we got back from our failed outing to Sentosa, after a while, it started to rain, creating a very emo setting. Since my roomie, for the past few days, has been listening to this particular emo song NON-STOP (and I mean NON-STOP), I decided to take advantage of the emo mood created by the rain and create a music video of the song, using him as the main character. Although it's too shiny to tell, trust me, it's raining. Actually, I'm surprised the video taking went as well as it did... He must have really been emo. It was all I could do to stop laughing and keep my camera arm steady. Or maybe he sensed my intention with ROOMIE TELEPATHY and put on a show just for me... He won't admit it, though... So I guess I'll never know.

The lyrics and translation are as follows. So those who don't know the song and/or don't understand Bahasa Indo can see this song for the emo tune it is as well as better appreciate the emo-ness of my roomie's 'music video'.

Sungguh ku sesali
I really regret
Nyata cintamu kasih
how true your love was (for me)
Tak sempat terbaca hati ku
I never realised it
Lelah ku sembunyi
I'm sick of hiding it
Tutupi maksud hati
Shutting out my heart's voice
Yang justru hidup karenamu
Which, actually, only lives because of you
Dan bisa mati tanpamu
And might as well die without you

Andai saja aku masih punya kesempatan kedua...
If only I had a second chance
Pasti akan ku hapuskan lukamu
I definitely would get rid of all your pain
Menjagamu..., memberimu... segenap cinta
Take care of you..., Give you... all my love

The Legendary Adventures of Matthew Yee and the Weird Sculptures

So me and my friends were planning to go to Sentosa today, right? But the weather didn't look all that good. So, not wanting to waste our trip, we dropped by at Vivo City to take a look around. We browsed through quite a lot of shops, and laughed a lot at each other doing completely random things, but the highlight of it all had to be my efforts to copy the poses of the weird sculptures scattered around Vivo City (ego, ego...) We are responsible for the creation of a new series: The Legendary Adventures of Matthew Yee and the Weird Sculptures. Here's the episode guide.
Overview: In the mystical and far-off land known as Seen Gar Poor, a wanderer called Matthew Yee wanders aimlessly among the plains of Veev O' See Ti, in search of a way back home, back to his domicile in Dan Mern Haiskool 'Awstel. Blocking his way back, however, are fifteen Weird Sculptures of Doom! Will Matthew be able to vanquish them all and make his way back? Stay tuned to find out!

Episode #1 - The Deafening
Matthew stumbles across the first of the Weird Sculptures, one who blasts his ears with endless loop of that emo song his roomie keeps on playing (with a play count of 92 as of an hour ago), Kesempatan Kedua by Tangga! Will Matthew be able to keep his eardrums intact as he makes his way through the wall of emo sound? Or will he be forced to listen and cry emo-ly for the rest of his life?

Episode #2 - Nirvana
Matthew is forced to meditate in an incredibly awkward position by one of the Weird Sculptures! Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, but for every minute he spends there meditating, the more likely he is to go emo! Will Matthew, long-time advocate of happy living, be able to reject the influence of the Weird Sculpture and keep the smile on his face?

Episode #3 - Squat
Matthew runs into a Weird Sculpture who makes him squat in a strange position that is not humanly possible! Matthew is given only one minute to figure out how to place his arms in such a position as shown by Figure 3.0 on page 1, or be doomed to eternal leg cramps forever... Can Matthew figure out a way to fool the Weird Sculpture into letting him go without the strange arm positioning? Or will his walking be eternally impaired by the penalty of spasmodic contractions of his leg muscles?

Episode #4 - Woof Woof
Matthew is turned into man's best friend by a Weird Sculpture! Being purged of all memories of his human-hood as well as losing everything in his mind except for basal canine instincts, he is cursed to roaming the land of the Weird Sculptures as a canine. Will his roomie, who is holding the darn camera, be able to recognise his roommate, and give him the necessary punch to knock some human sense into him? Or will he just give Matthew a bone?

Episode #5 - Let's Do Warmups
Matthew comes across a vengeful Weird Sculpture who used to be an aerobics instructor while he was still human. However, in that time, none of his customers appreciated his service. Feeling unwanted, unloved, cast away, in tears of anger and vengeance, he takes out his frustrations on poor Matthew, who is coerced into doing unnatural and unreal aerobics! Will Matthew be able to convince the Weird Sculpture that he does not deserve to be put through such torture (it's hard enough for him to get Bronze for NAPFA)? Better yet, will Matthew be able to take away the Weird Sculpture's boiling rage at his customers?

Episode #6 - Will You Be My Friend?
A sad young Weird Sculpture with no friends tries his very best to befriend Matthew. Matthew, who believes that all people should not be without friends, does his very best too to be a good friend to the Weird Sculpture. But is he biting off more than he can chew when he agrees to a game of "Follow the Leader" with the super-flexible Weird Sculpture?

Episode #7 - L
Matthew makes it to the third level of Veev O' See Ti through his previous six victories. The end is nearer! But on the third level, things only promise to get harder. Greeting him on his entrance to the third level with an evil grin is a Weird Sculpture who asks him to pose like the supergenius from Death Note, L. Fortunately, Matthew has an ace up his sleeve: his experience of acting as L during his GP Skit and other periods of time!

Episode #8 - Everybody was Kung-fu Fighting
A Weird Sculpture beckons Matthew to jump to the top of the tower he's perched on to pass through his domain. But the only skill which will enable that feat is Kung-fu, which Matthew has absolutely no experience in! Is Matthew able to smartly utilise his experience in the Drama Club crew to make a pulley based on his boss Tze Wei's design that is unnoticable enough to give the illusion of a heroic Kung-fu powered leap? (Btw, TJ Drama owns!!!)

Episode #9 - Moment's Reprieve
A kindly Weird Sculpture, who couldn't be bothered with blocking Matthew's path, allows him to do what he does best, slack, in his grotto for a while to rest up for the challenges ahead. Matthew eagerly takes him up on his offer, but is this chance to relax for real, or does the Weird Sculpture have a hidden agenda? (C'mon, let me sleep. Pleeeeeeese?)

Episode #10 - The Waters Await
After a treacherous hike through the second and third level of Veev O' See Ti, Matthew approaches the banks of the final stretch of his journey, the Weird River. Guarding the way, though, is a dynamic duo of Weird Sculptures who demand that he perform their challenges back-to-back! The first Weird Sculpture asks that he demonstrate his leg strength by sitting as in the picture above, for 2 hours! Coincidentally, Matthew has trained in this exercise before, but only has a best time of 5 minutes. Can Matthew muster the will and leg power to sit like so for 2 whole bloody $*(&% hours???

Episode #11 - Good Morning, Sir!
Fresh out of his tiresome feat of the previous episode, Matthew is ordered by the next member of the dynamic duo of the Weird Sculptures to respectfully salute to the next 500 patrons of Veev O' See Ti that pass by. However, this act is beset by a multitude of problems. Firstly, Matthew's legs, tired out from the previous episode, might fail him, sending him plunging to the shallow waters below (he didn't bring a change of clothes!). Secondly, at this hour, Veev O' See Ti has only, at most, 200 shoppers. Worst of all, Matthew is completely incapable of being respectful to anybody, able only to go as far as to be polite to complete strangers. Can Matthew withstand the pressure on his legs, urge more shoppers to arrive, and be distantly respectful instead of his natural open loud-laughing self, all at the same time?

Episode #12 - Matthew Armstrong
Having had his legs abused to the point of numbness, Matthew is requested by another Weird Sculpture to show off the prowess of his arm muscles! However, Matthew has no more arm power in his left arm, thanks to the endless saluting of the previous episode. What's more, it's not as if he could lift even a piece of paper to save his life. He's only 50 kg, people!!! Can Matthew's will to return home grant him the strength he needs to impress the mighty Weird Sculpture?

Episode #13 - The Perverted Weird Sculpture
The title of the episode says it all. The next Weird Sculpture, a perverted old sculpture, is determined to drag Matthew down the path of lust and darkness. Can Matthew's solid Christian values, fortified by his upbringing by virtuous parents, be enough to combat the great temptations of adolescence? Or will he be doomed to eternal damnnation with no hope of forgiveness?

Episode #14 - The Easy Way Out
Matthew has braved the Weird River, and is now homebound. But two Weird Sculptures still block his way! Hellbound on preventing him from reaching home and blogging about his adventures, the penultimate Weird Sculpture asks for the emulation of his own acrobatic feat! Matthew, who has never shown any gymnastics aptitude in his whole life, must now make a decision: to take the easy way out by taking a photo of himself doing the feat on the ground, and then Photoshop-ing himself upside down, or take the challenge head on and perform this elementary acrobatic feat. Be warned, the Weird Sculptures do not tolerate cheating...

Episode #15 - The Light at the End of the Tunnel
The end is in sight! Very soon, Matthew will reach the glass door that will lead him to the escalator that will lead him to the bus stop that will lead him to the bus that will lead him and his roomie home (phew...that was a lot of 'that will lead him's)! But he must face his greatest challenge yet, the Aura of Slacking radiating from this lazy Weird Sculpture! Is Matthew's passion, purpose and drive to get back home strong enough to make him resist the urge to slack, or will he just lie here, so close to home, and yet so far? C'mon, roomie, remind him of his urgent need to complete his quest! You're a TJC-ian too! For College, for Nation!

And so ends the Legendary Adventures of Matthew Yee and the Weird Sculptures! I gotta say, that was a tough ride... and my camera almost conked out on me, too... Thanks, roomie, for your own camera, and the integrity and care for others to see me through till the end, even though you were just a spectator in this whole mess...

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Food For Thought

I've said it before, and I'll continue to say it until the end of time, or until I get all A's on my tests, whichever is later. Probably the latter. Oh well. Inspiration comes from all sorts of places. Church is an obvious candidate. But Maths makeup lecture? Interesting, ain't it? Let me share some food for thought. I have my own thoughts to add to the existing ones, so I shall make additions in italics.

The Best Memory

Forget each kindness that you do,

As soon as you have done it.

Forget the praise that falls to you,

The moment you have won it.

For the best kindness is one

that bears no signature, no name.

And the best praise can be wasted

if it was won to only increase fame.

Forget the slander that you hear,

Before you can repeat it.

Forget each slight, each spike, each sneer,

Wherever you may meet it.

For slander spreads like weeds

that are incredibly hard to eradicate.

And slights, spikes and sneers

may kill, and then it'll be too late.

Remember every kindness done to you,

Whatever its measure.

Remember praise by others won,

And pass it on with pleasure.

For kindness brightens up the day,

and spreads happiness around.

And praise, when others win it from you,

once given, causes smiles abound.

Remember all the happiness that

Came your way in living,

Forget each worry and distress,

Be hopeful and forgiving.

For happiness is a precious memory

that carries you through dark times.

Don't worry, for to err is human,

and to forgive is divine.

Remember good, remember truth,

Remember heaven's above you.

And you will find through age and youth

That many hearts will love you.

But don't get complacent, stay humble,

Love people, don't stop, continue.

Love everybody selflessly, without thought for yourself,

and you shall experience happiness true.

-Author unknown-

"Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you." - Matthew 7:7, The Holy Bible

I got up early one morning

and rushed right into the day;

I had so much to accomplish

that I didn't have time to pray.

Problems just tumbled about me

and heavier came each task;

"Why doesn't God help me?" I wondered.

He said, "But you didn't ask."

I wanted to see joy and beauty

but the day toiled on, gray and bleak;

I wondered why God didn't show me.

He said, "But you didn't seek."

I tried to come into God's presence;

I used all the keys at the lock.

God gently and lovingly chided

"My child, you didn't knock."

I woke up early this morning

And paused before entering the day.

I had so much to accomplish

That I had to take time to Pray.

The day passed by normally,

and heavy as usual were the tasks;

but God was right there by my side,

helping me, because I had asked.

Grayness and bleakness did I again see,

But joy and beauty entered my court;

I thanked God for showing me

all this, because I had sought.

I tried to come into God's presence;

and saw the lock was gone.

God gently and lovingly reminded

"My child, you knocked this morn."

So seek ye first the Kingdom of God

and all His righteousness;

A prayer or more a day is never wasted

as you put God first.

Your day's trials will not go away,

your troubles shall not disappear;

But you shall not be overwhelmed

when your God hovers lovingly near.

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and all His righteousness, and all these things shalt be added unto you." - Matthew 6:33, The Holy Bible

-Author Unknown-

And now... for the words of wisdom I heard in MATHS LECTURE...

The most destructive habit - WORRY

The greatest joy - GIVING

The greatest loss - LOSS OF SELF-RESPECT

The most satisfying action - HELPING OTHERS

The ugliest personality trait - SELFISHNESS

Our greatest natural resource - OUR YOUTH

Our 'shot in the arm' - ENCOURAGEMENT

The greatest obstacle to overcome - FEAR

The greatest sleeping pill - PEACE OF MIND

The most crippling disease - EXCUSES

The most dangerous person - A GOSSIPER

The most powerful computer - THE HUMAN BRAIN

The worst thing to be without - HOPE

The deadliest weapon - THE TONGUE

The two most powerful words - I CAN

The best reason to help others - BECAUSE I CAN

The most contagious spirit - ENTHUSIASM

The most beautiful attire - A SMILE

The greatest reward to give or receive- A GRATEFUL SMILE

Our greatest asset - FAITH

Our greatest channel of communication - PRAYER

The most powerful force in the world - LOVE

An Eventful Period of Time

The whirl of events are still whirling through my whirling head. How many things have happened these nine days? I cannot count. What remains in my mind is a mere fraction of all the things we went through, but that fraction is enough to make me still sit back, look at it all, and wonder, how did I manage to get through all that?

So, we got Gold with Honours (!!!) for SYF, and we were all jumping and screaming and all that nonsense, and the Drama Club was happily immune to any form of scolding, criticism or anythng that bore a negative vibe for the entire day. And for others, it lasted more than one day. I, for one, have yet to get out of my happy mood. Then again, was I ever NOT in a happy mood?

Don't answer that question, Ayto. Haha...

AND THEN! We were preparing for Mardi Gras, now with added pressure on the cast and crew to perform spectacularly well thanks to our *ahem* *cue the 20th Century Fox music* GOLD WITH HONOURS!!! *music off* The crew worked like crazy for three days, the third and final day being the most crazy. I pulled ropes until they burned through the gloves I was wearing, I taped stuff down here and there until my fingers got glue permanently on them, I flipped switches and checked lightings until my fingers went numb and I started to see stars and comets and Bugs Bunny in front of my eyes even when the lights were off, I ate waffles until I got sick of them.... No, wait, I'll never be sick of waffles. But you get the idea. Take away the exaggeration, multiply the tiredness by a thousand and you get my Mardi Gras experience. The performance went well, although I'm bound to be biased, watching from my lighting control hidey hole.

I'm telling you, it's fun watchin from this place. Before the performance preparations, I never even knew this place existed. Now it's the place my gaze always snaps to whenever I go to the auditorium, and I miss it dearly.

Our set, which we worked really hard to put up. You might think it's not as hard as it looks, but when machinery fails you and you are required to use only arm power to set up stuff like this, I think only TJC Drama Crew can tell you unsympathetically, "We're used to it. Go cry on your machines".

On a whim, after the performance finished, in the spirit of Mardi Gras, I decided to roam around like L. I didn't bring the costume with me, so I borrowed the most similar thing I could find. While the 'costume' in itself really didn't look much like L, my experiences of acting as L more than made up for it, and while I roamed around the school looking for Ayto, there must have been 5 people/groups of people who asked me to take picture with them as L. And a million more people who identified me despite the sucky costume. Thank God for acting talent. Coincidentally, there was a Ryuk doll at the coupon stand, so naturally...

Not even Shinigami can beat L... Wakakakakaka... Ryuk voodoo doll for $1000. $999 for L to catch him, and $1 for L to turn him into a doll... Any takers?

And then the holidays officially started. Or I would like to say, but sadly, we had to go back for makeup lessons. Screw it. At this rate, who's going to have enough time to study for JCTs? Only the most consistent muggers I know, maybe. As it is, even now, I'm in school for makeup lessons, arriving in school and hour and a half early to make use of Internet connections which I am sadly unable to enjoy because the hostel Internet only favours a modicum of people and my roomie is absent due to his brother's arrival and so I cannot make use of his extrenal modem, either. And so I am forced to catharthically rant on me blog.

Oh yeah, I was finally officially commissioned as an usher on Saturday! With tag and everything. And that Saturday had to be the day of coincidences. I was bumping into scholars at Expo left, right and center, both in church (people I knew were in church but we split up into different hostels after O'Levels, and also people from my own hostel I never knew shared a church with me), and outside church (you won't BELIEVE how many expos were going on that day. Every hall had to be full. Predictably, I only patronized the Popular Fair hall...)

I met Bo Er, Matthew Chan, Albert and Khanh on the Sunday and we had a fun time just talking cock like we always do. The good ol' days always seem to return whenever SJI scholars get together. It's a gift we all share. Happenings in TJ, NJ and NYJ were updated during our time together, and like always, we always know what is happening to each other.

There is a whole tsunami of other memories obtained during the past nine days, but either I have forgotten them, think they're not worth mentioning, or want to keep them secret. Some things just aren't meant to be put on a blog. They're meant to be thrown into the part of your brain that says "Recycle Bin" or saved with multiple passwords for protection.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


It's been a long time coming, but finally, the anticipation is over. The suspense will be relieved. The show, the story, will go on.

Raven Rise is released today! And just like the millions of Pendragon fans around the world, I'm sure they share my sentiment. Finally, time for us to grab the book, stare at the cover lovingly, stare at our other 8 Pendragon books lovingly, before opening the cover of Raven Rise and losing oursleves in the magic of the first page and beyond.

Thank you, D.J. Mchale, for this wonderful series. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must lose myself in the flume D.J. created for me, as well as the millions of others around the world.

Hobey ho, let's go. And so we go.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Why Life is Paradise

In the spirit of a true Lit student, I shall quote the reason why life is paradise from a book, my favourite one, in fact.

"I lift up my eyes to the hills. From whence comes my help?
My help cometh from the Lord, Maker of heaven and earth.
The Lord shalt not let thy foot be moved, He who keepeth thee shall not slumber.
Behold, He who keepeth Israel shalt neither slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is thy keeper. The Lord is the shade upon thy right hand;
The sun shalt not smite thee by day, nor the moon by night;
The Lord shalt preserve thee from all evil. He shalt preserve thy soul;
The Lord shalt preserve thy going out and thy coming in,
From this time forth, and even forevermore."
~Psalms 121, The Holy Bible

There are those who say the Bible is just another book which has just happened to survive a very very very long time. But no matter whether you think the Bible is the Word of God, or just a mish-mesh of papyrus re-prints from old times, wouldn't it be so nice to know that your back is being watched, by Someone who loves you so much He was willing to die for you and the world?

And because I believe this is true, I claim this promise aimed so directly out of the pages of the Holy Book at the reader, and so, life is paradise.


The Inaugural Annual ASEAN Youth Forum 2008. What a strange place and circumstance to recieve inspirational quotes?

"It's amazing how much you can achieve when it doesn't matter who gets the results." - And how true this statement is. Why, it was only on the 25th of March when I found out for myself the truth of this statement, and how good it felt to see half the cohort pleasantly surprised by the anonymous sweet-giver.

"Service providers are the ones who hold your hand, and in so doing, touch your heart." - My constant endeavour. And now, I actually have a name for it. So it'll be like:
"So, Matthew, what do you think is your purpose in life?"
"Me? I want to be a service provider, to hold hands, to touch hearts."
Don't interpret this wrongly, guys...

"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together makes progress. Working together creates success." - Wouldn't it be so meaningful to a scholar who's been thrown in together with a millieu of creeds, philiosophies, convictions and origins?

"Would you rather have a brilliant collection of minds, or a collection of brilliant minds?" - I can't help but feel that the MOE was looking for the second one. But with slackers like me and me roomie around, among others, the scholars might just be the first one. Yeah, guys, I know it's my fault...

"Courage is the greatest quality of the mind next to honour." - True indeed. It takes courage and honour to admit that you are incompetent, untalented or unwanted, or at least more so than others. Not being emo here, just saying we should never be in denial, but rather strive to be fully aware of our own capabilities, potential, but also shortcomings.

"Work, as if you don't need money.
Love, as if nobody can, will or has hurt you.
Dance, as if nobody was watching.
Sing, as if nobody was listening.
Live, as if it was paradise."

Meaningful indeed, but I have my own version, which kind of makes up my life philosophy.

I work, because I don't need money to enjoy work.
I love, despite the fact that people can, will or have hurt me, because God loved an idiotic sinner like me.
I dance, especially because people are watching.
I sing, especially because people are listening.
I live, because life is paradise.

ASEAN Youth Forum 2008

Don't get me wrong, I was incredibly proud to be a selected participant in the Inaugural ASEAN Youth Forum 2008. It was a great honour, and I learnt a lot from the event, and we got to cheer our friends on who won the first AND second prize for the "What ASEAN Means To Me" writing competition.

Still, who knew I would be that exhausted? See, I arrived back in the hostel yesterday at around 8, after the whole-day-event which forced me to wake up on a SATURDAY MORNING at 5 AM!!! The original plan was to nap until 9, and then go to the McDonald's opposite to use the Internet. But. What time did I wake up? Almost midnight. Stayed awake until 2, and then slept again, waking up at 11. And the eyebags are still there. This was my state yesterday, and while I don't have a picture of myself today, I swear, it's just as bad.

See? See? See my eyebags!?

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How Interesting...

On a whim, after reading a post made by my ex-roomie on his own blog, I tried out a personality test. And I can't confirm everything is true, but there are elements which I recognise in myself, traits my friends can find in myself, and a personality I will only know for sure if it is true as I continue to grow and experience the fullness of life.

Your view on yourself: You are down-to-earth and people like you because you are so straightforward. You are an efficient problem solver because you will listen to both sides of an argument before making a decision that usually appeals to both parties.

The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for: You are a true romantic. When you are in love, you will do anything and everything to keep your love true.

Your readiness to commit to a relationship: You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.

The seriousness of your love: Your have very sensible tactics when approaching the opposite sex. In many ways people find your straightforwardness attractive, so you will find yourself with plenty of dates.

Your views on education: You may not like to study but you have many practical ideas. You listen to your own instincts and tend to follow your heart, so you will probably end up with an unusual job.

The right job for you: You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

How do you view success: You are confident that you will be successful in your chosen career and nothing will stop you from trying.

What are you most afraid of: You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.

Who is your true self: You are full of energy and confidence. You are unpredictable, with moods changing as quickly as an ocean. You might occasionally be calm and still, but never for long.

What I'm incredibly interested by, though, is, looking at the questions, how the blazing whatever were the answers supposed to lead to my given personality??? Try it out for yourself, and ask this question yourself.

365 Days Left...

And with the day beginning proper with the precipitations of birthday greetings spoken in Bahasa Indo as well as our beloved English for the officially-one-year-older scholar (not me, I assure you), the countdown officially begins.

The least of my priorities, but utilising the greatest of my skills.
Not beneficial to the academic results in any conceivable way, but beneficial to the imagnitation and knowledge of people, and in turn, the noble subject (which I refuse to classify as academic) Literature in English.
An act that will never be made officially public, but anticipated (I pray and hope) by the modicum of people who DO know about it, most of all I myself.

In 365 days, I will be looking forward to the culmination of my efforts. The fruits of my labours. The final solution of the equation. And only when the three copies of my novel are 'published', in 365 days, will I find out if the aching right thumb and index finger, the cramped left hand, the overutilisation of my laptop, the overworking of my brain, the stretching of my imagination, the overexposure of my optic sensors to computerised light and the wastage of the country's electricity was all worth it. Who can tell? At this stage, not I, or anybody else for that matter. Still, writing is something I enjoy doing, my unique medium for catharsis. And so no matter the outcome, even if only three people enjoy the fruits of my labour, it will be more than enough.

May 14th 2009. 365 days left. The race is on.

It's All Over...

Well, not quite. SYF ended yesterday, that's true, and there were quite a few of us who were incredibly reluctant to let it go. But it's not over yet. On Drama Night, the TJC Drama Club will put up the SYF play again for the rest of the school who unfortunately were not allowed to support us. And our goal will be to do even better than yesterday. Of course. The sign that we've "taken ownership of the play" (cue the laughs from the Drama Club members) will be when we constantly try to improve the play at any oppurtunity, no matter what the circumstance. That's certainly true in this case.

Furthermore, SYF's not all there is. Now we're going full-blast again, this time for our Mardi Gras performance on the last day of school, to make a huge bang before the JCTs come and we all sink into the foul depths of depression because we failed to remember a formula here, or misunderstood a concept there, and all that whatnot.

TJ Drama, while we wait on tenterhooks for the release of our SYF results, let us all keep in mind the wise words of our dear Mr. Rajesh: "...*mouthing a certain word*... the competition. You guys did fabulously well."

And we shall hold onto that, no matter the result.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Hard Work

You know... it was only last year when SJI Drama Club got Gold Award for the SYF Central Judging. And we worked really hard for it. At least, that's what we thought. Back then, practices for 3 days a week and 4 hours each time was considered hard work. And rightly so, for Secondary School students.

Nothing could have prepared me for JC-Level Drama, which is on a totally different level. The SYF Central Judging looms once again, and now, Practice. Is. Hell. Crazy. If we get out of school before 9 pm, we're lucky. Days off? Don't even think about it. And as opposed to SJI Drama, when all the crew had to do was lug around these frames with wires on them, we have to lug around a bloody professionally done, bloody heavy, and bloody annoying set, of which three pieces have been affectionately named the MF piece, the TMD piece and the MCB piece. No one will understand these acronyms, unless I tell, or unless some Drama Crew member tells. Private joke for the crew...

And while preparations for SYF are underway, schoolwork does not let up, and I am forced to reschedule my days to not include any time for leisure, except on days like this with long breaks so I can mindlessly blog. As it is, I feel as if I'm horribly unprepared for lessons and the lecture and class tests.

And because of this You-Shall-Not-Get-Any-Free-Time workload, my long-term project must be delayed. Oh, I didn't mention? I'm undertaking a long-term project, something that involves a lot of hand cramps and brain blowouts. Yes, writing an unofficial novel. My estimated completion date WAS September 11 2008 (done on purpose...), but I feel that this is the lowest of my priorities, and so while I still have more important things to do, I'd better do them first. The novel can wait.

Anyway, with my kind of working speed, I'd still have to slow down anyway, if I want to finish on my new estimated completion date. Nothing is more annoying than finishing something much much earlier than needed and having to wait aeons before the date arrives.

Targeted completion date: May 14th 2009.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Memories. Flooding through my head. You know, I had wanted to publish a post like this for quite some time already, but never got around to it. Now, here it is: Pictures of the GP English Fair 2008 Skit Finals, where Matthew Yee became known throughout the JC1 cohort as..... L.

So this is Zhenyu, the world's number one slacker, proudly advertising the Oldham Hall Scholars' shirt which reads "I'm a slacker" at the front, and "You mugger" at the back.

Enter Matthew, a mugger who just wants to be left alone so he can get more than 1/2 upon 20 for his Chinese exams...

"Hey, Matthew, you ever hear of the game DOTA?"
"DOTA? Dissection Of The Arteries?"
"No no no... Defense of the Ancients, a wonderful online game! Come, let me teach you how to play..."
And that's where the downfall of Matthew the mugger begins.

"Hello?... Yes, yes... Yes, I've managed to infect him, he's hooked... Ok, I'll meet you in an hour... Mwahahahahaha!!!"

Three months later... the continuous gaming of Matthew the ex-mugger has resulted in his transformation to become like a 'certain' character we all know, by reputation if not from the movie or anime.

"Matthew! Get off that computer right this instant! You've been playing for three months already! Very unhealthy leh..."
"Don't worry, Mum... My sweets will be able to sustain me... and boost my playing performance by 29%..."

"Matthew! If you keep on 'sitting' like that, later your back pain, and butt pain, and wrist pain, and everything pain, my heart also pain ah!!!"
"Haiyah, Mum, how can my butt pain? Haven't touch solid things for three months already... and my whole body not pain anyway what... *Ouch*"
"SEE, SEE!?"
"Ah, nevermind, lah, I'll get used to it"
"Arrrgh, I give up!"

Three months later again, Matthew's friends visit him in an effort to bring him back to school as a normal person. Poor girls... If only they knew... L listens to no one, least of all girls...

After half a month of playing, L has no idea of the difference between reality and game anymore. Who does he see in front of him? Foes, trying to gang up on him. What else to do? Self-defense, of course, L martial arts, DOTA style...

"I think he siao already! Zhao le, zhao le!!!"
"Trying to run ah? I tell you ah, cannot escape from me one..."

L pursues his 'foes' in vain, for he is at too low a level to catch them; his movement speed is not that great. Furthermore, he forgot to buy "Boots of Speed" back at the base...

Not wanting to waste any time, L takes out his portable training device, the Graphing Calculator. (Eh, bet you didn't know, can play games on GC one!!!)

"Eh, boy, why play game on the road one? Can't see meh? Got truck coming, eh..."

Moral of the story: respect and listen to your elders. Coz you never know... what they say is true once in a while...

And so the mighty have fallen because he played games for too long. Stupid guy. So much for being L. He doesn't even have 0.382% of L's intelligence.



My blog. D'uh.

Where stray bolts(thoughts) get discharged from my head before they ionise every brain cell in my cerebral cortex.

That is... if I had one...

Name: WthameXt

Age: Septumdecim

Education Level: Jay Too

Place of Residence: A jungle with lots of lions...

Occupation: Foreign worker (here's to all you ASEAN scholars out there! ;P)

Likes: Food, Games, Sleep, Lightning

Dislikes: Nothing really...

Religion: Christian!!! And proud of it!!!

Click to view my Personality Profile page

More about me here.


Live Wires

Me Roomie
Rowland's tagboard
Myat Noe
Deep thoughts I wish I could write
Bo Er keeps on changing his URL
Miss Laffalot
Tiong Wei
Matt Chan
Ting Hui
Xi Nan
Mel scribbles
Pastor Kong
Recipes :P

Where Sparks Fly

Past Shocks
Women Rule The World

On The Air

An Interesting Situation

So This is the Power of A'Levels

JCT Woes


H1N1 Woes

Revelation of my Subconscious Self?

"I don't need to be a hero, I just want to help so...


The Circuit Board
January 2008
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dafont. Destiny Boy