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Storms rock. There's the sunshine afterward to look forward to.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Strangers Like Me

This chain blog post is actually quite interesting. No, scrap that. IT'S DAMN FREAKING COOL! Do it, even if you don't have a blog to blog the results to. It's really interesting. Your music reveals much more about you than you think. At least, it did for me and Rowland(maybe).

RULES:1. Put Your iTunes, Windows Media Player, Creative MediaSource ETC on Shuffle.
2. For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
4. Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
5. Put this on your journal, the title being the answer to question 22.

1. If someone says, “Is this okay?” You say?
In The End-Linkin Park (Describes me perfectly. I'd just say: "In the end, it doesn't even matter...)

2.How would you describe yourself?
Never Gone-Backstreet Boys (Unbelievable...)

3.What do you like in a girl/guy?I Lay My Love On You-Backstreet Boys (Um... Anyone who says it, or anyone I can say it to)

4.How do you feel today? Dance Like There's No Tomorrow-Paula Abdul ft. Randy Jackson
(Basically, that's how I feel everyday...)

5.What is your life’s purpose? It's Gonna Be Me-N'Sync
(What does this mean? Get attention? If so, then ok, fine, I'll accept that...)

6.What is your motto? Let's Dance-David Bowie [It's an oldie. (But just looking at the title, I guess I can accept that. Live happily!!!)]

7. What do your friends think of you? Do You Believe In Magic?-John Sebastian, resung by Aly and A.J. [Another oldie...(If it meant people thought I was an irreplaceable magical friend, I'd be soooooo happy.)]

8. What do you think of your parents? Two Worlds-Phil Collins (HAHAHA... Am I REALLY that separate and different from my parents? Then again, the lyrics sound about right...
"Put your faith in what you most believe in.
Two Worlds, One Family...
Trust your heart, let fate decide
To guide these lives we see.")

9.What do you think about very often? I Knew I Loved You-Savage Garden (Oh. Em. Jee.)

10.What is 2 + 2? Pump It-Black Eyed Peas (HAHA!)

11.What do you think of your best friend? My Love-Westlife (o.O I am officially freaked out. Is it too late to get a female best friend?)

12.What do you think of the person you like? Runaway-Linkin Park (O.O Actually, I get it, but only I understand it. Lyrics don't fit anyway, just the title.)

13.What is your life story? ABC-Jackson 5 [Yet another oldie...(I guess it means either I'm always learning, or I retain my childlike sense of fun.)

14.What do you want to be when you grow up? All For One-High School Musical Cast (Dude! What am I, a motivational speaker or holiday planner?!?!?)

15.What do you think of when you see the person you like? Gangsta Love-S Club 7 (Unbelievable...)

16.What will you dance to at your wedding? Reach Out For The Sunrise-Duran Duran (Yeah, I guess I will be that happy... Hey SJI scholars, remember this ultima song? Peter Gn rox!!!)

17.What will they play at your funeral? Say Goodbye-S Club 7 (Unbelievably accurate. I mean, it's perfect! And it's our GRADUATION SONG!!! I still find it unbelievable...
"Sometimes goodbye ‘though it hurts in your heart is the only way for destiny
Sometimes goodbye, though it hurts, is the only way now for you and me
Though it’s the hardest thing to say,
I’ll miss your love in every way
So say goodbye...But don’t you cry...‘cause true love never dies")

18.What is your hobby/interest? Start Of Something New-Zac Efron & Vanessa Hudgens(What, doing new things?)

19.What is your biggest fear? I Don't Dance-High School Musical Cast (OMG SO TRUE! I can't dance for nuts. Not even to save people from disaster...)

20.What is your biggest secret? Numb-Linkin Park (Actually, looking at the lyrics, it might be true... I always try to hide it when I'm feeling insecure...)

21.What do you think of your friends? Ultimate-Lindsday Lohan before she went crazy (UNBELIEVABLE SO TRUE! My friends are all ultimately wonderful. Lyrics fit too, if you take out the romance implications...)

22.What will you post this as? Strangers Like Me-Phil Collins (Haha... Get to know me better!)

23.What song would you play during your first time having sex? You Are The Music In Me-Zac Efron & Vanessa Hudgens (JOKE JOKE!!!)

Saturday, June 28, 2008


It's all over. The JCTs finished yesterday, and a better last day I couldn't have hoped for. The Maths paper, although it was bad, was relatively better than my class tests *ahem* and my bio paper served to encourage me that indeed, I can study. And when I study, good things happen.

But since the JCTs had ended, I had time to do a bit of introspection. And I wound up feeling pretty sick of myself. You see, quite a few things happened during the course of the JCTs and I never bothered about them earlier because after all, I was studying. But once the JCTs ended, I was able to think about them.

I found out recently that my essay which I had submitted for that science fiction essay writing competition was taken out of the final shortlisting. Turns out, after a double-check, they found a better essay. And I've read the shortlisted essays. They're really good. Honestly. I doubt I could write like that as I am now.

Surya has been practising for his PESA competition. His speech is, to say the least, remarkable. It's been infused with an incredible vocabulary he never commanded four years ago, and the shyness he used to have is not detectable, at least in his practise. He also commands audiences with an incredible emotive and powerful voice. His inpromptu isn't bad, either.

So I was thinking about these things, and I felt a great sense of inferiority. At the same time, I felt incredibly angry with myself. And I was trying to understand why I was feeling this way. I thought long and hard, and I came to a conclusion.

A few years back, my hubris in life was arrogance. I had great overconfidence in my own skills in whatever I happened to be skilled at, and had this superiority complex. I thought I had gotten rid of it. I thought I had changed. It seems I was wrong.

For a long time now English has been my strength, writing my defining activity, eloquence my defining trait. At least, I thought so. What I merely had was a small advantage over the rest because of my background. But now, I've lost that edge. And my subconscious refuses to accept it, it seems, because English has been my surefire win for so long that it seems preposterous to my own self that I would suddenly find myself lacking. But this is arrogance.

Four years ago, until the O levels, I was helping Surya, among a great many others, to improve their vocabulary, hone their English skills, so English wouldn't pull them back for O levels, like Malay did for me. And I was accepted by them as the one to help them in English. But now, with the advent of GP, it is I who has the disadvantage, since my strength lay in storytelling. But I still refused to think of myself any lower. But this was arrogance.

Storytelling my strength? Maybe so, but with my head so puffed up my others' praise, I thought I was the best. So when I find out that there are writers my age who have totally trashed me, my mind refused to acknowledge them. But this. Is. Freaking. Arrogance.

And after I realised this, I felt so sick of myself. I was trying to show on the outside the good mood I have been known to display continuously, but it was so hard. I was seething inside, furious that I could still have this flaw. I was ready to break down at any time. Humans aren't perfect, I know that, but at least this flaw, I thought I had gotten rid of. So I was pretty disgusted with myself.

But it appears that when I was praying for God to help me and my friends during the JCTs, it seems even after that, He stuck around a bit longer to tell me something. I was reminded of what Jesus said to Peter after his ressurection concerning John.

"If I will that he remain till I come, what is that to you? You follow Me."

And it struck like a bolt from the blue. See, Peter was jealous that Jesus seemed to favour John more than the rest of his disciples. And angry, because to him, he thought he had done so much for Jesus, surely he should be chosen for any high-priority task Jesus was to delegate? But Jesus reminded him that the idea isn't to compare yourself with others. The idea is simply to follow Him.

And then He let my mind take a trip down memory lane. He guided my mind to call up memories.
I saw myself teaching my friends, I saw them surpass me. He said, "The best of teachers are happy with their students' success."
I saw myself in my arrogance, proud of my advantage in English. He said, "The Lord giveth, The Lord can also take away. Pride comes before a fall."
I saw my head puffed up with the praise from others. He said, "The talents I give are to be used wisely, for My glory and My sake, not yours."

And I then saw clearly. My role four years ago was to teach, to equip those lacking in the skills I was given so they could develop further by themselves once I gave them the momentum. I am not the best writer, I just love writing, a passion not many have, but I almost forgot it, seeking only to earn laurels from it at a certain point. My role was merely to pass this passion on, to show that writing essays is not as arduous a task as people think, because everyone knows it is easier to excel in something you love doing. My role is to help everyone, everywhere, whenever and wherever I can, a supportive job. Not to say I don't have a role out in the open, but that has yet to be revealed to me, and for now, I support to the best of my ability.

After I saw this, I knew that I could help Surya for PESA without any trace of envy, with God's help. I could accept any outcome for any writing competition, with God mowing down my arrogance. After all, it's just a competition, and there can only be so many winners. I can now very well accept that my friends from SJI are much better in English than they used to be, and I am happy that I played my part. But now, my leading role is over, and other actors must now take the stage. I now lie backstage.

Before God had finished with me, He said what He had said to so many before, tailored specifically just for me, as it always is.

"If I will others be able to do what you cannot, what is that to you? You follow Me."

And I accepted the rebuke without question. After all, I don't serve myself. I follow Him.

Monday, June 23, 2008

The Time We've All Been Waiting For (kinda)

JCT has started. It started around one and a half hours ago, with the Physics paper. And so the Bio student takes a break from the revision to blog.

In order of the papers, for my batchmates, the J1s, may God bless us all during the week, such that:

Monday: Our minds will be illuminated by the charges of knowledge passing through the circuitry of nerves, that the pressure of knowledge will crash through the mind's walls and all will flow out as our pen converts all our potential energy into kinetic and heat energy - For Physics

Our minds be matured, as we learn to see things from a broader perspective, in our time, and times past and yet to come, that we remember our week's news, and the condition of the world's economics and economists, and apply all the language skills we have honed over the years, that English be not a burden, but a boon - For GP (see if you can spot all the current affairs magazines in there...)

Tuesday: Our minds be open, as we attempt to dive into the minds of literary geniuses, who have proven that the English Language is a raging force that must be gentled, if the writer's intended meaning is to be clear, that we shall see into the minds of the poets of old as clearly as we see into our own, and that we are able to command the language to express it in ways they have not done so already - For Lit

Our minds be sharp, our reflexes at their peak, our fingers agile, as they peruse through the stormy processing of jumbled notes, or the mechanical symphony of programming code, that masterpieces will flow, maybe not in execution, but definitely in conception - For Music and Computer Studies

Wednesday: Our minds be imaginative, as we seek to visualise the present, as well as the past, that the earth's secrets be unearthed, that the gentle breeze of relief rain be felt on our faces, that no archipelago, estuary, dictator or war be left forgotten as we call to memory what is needed to answer the great questions of time - For Geography and History

Our minds be calculative, so we will always be in constant awareness of the cost of failure, and the rewards of success, but also the difference between the two in terms of work put in, as we seek to find a way whereby the supply of knowledge we put into our minds will suffice for the demands of the paper - For Economics

Thursday: Our minds have understanding, as we aspire to gather enough knowledge so it will act as a catalyst by lowering the activation energy needed during the paper itself to achieve the desired experimental results, and also that our experimental procedure, our studying, be efficiently planned out and executed, so that even sulphuric acid in the eye won't hinder progress - For Chemistry

Our minds be malleable, so we will not process thoughts strictly by only the English Language, but that the mind will be fluid enough to think in other languages, that our second vocabulary flourish and reinforce that mankind was always meant to understand one another, but in the absence of a common language that fell with the tower of Babel, developing different vocabularies must suffice - For Mother Tongue and the LEPs

Friday: Our minds be methodical, as we differentiate what needs to be simplified and what need not be over-expanded, as we integrate all the concepts we have learnt into the paper, that we will function during the paper not with only a fraction, but calculate with the entire circumference and area of our being - For Maths

Our minds be reflective, as we turn on our microscopic vision and, more so than the other sciences, look inward rather than outward, that our nerve impulses do not run overboard with nervousness, that our cerebral cortex calls up the correct information, and our muscles contract and expand in tandem without fear to transfer thought onto paper - For Biology

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Ignorance Is Bliss??

People have said that too many times. And I refuse to believe it. Ignorance, to me, cannot possibly be bliss. Maybe it's just my nature to belive so. Who can say?

I was on a plane back to Singapore after a not-as-long-as-I-would-have-liked-it holiday *ahem ahem study break ahem ahem* and I was planning to rush back hostel, unpack, bathe and crash into Dreamland quickly. I would have asked my roomie beforehand to meet me at the airport, but I expected he would have been with *insert name here* and I didn't want to disturb him. So when I landed, I grabbed my stuff from the baggage belt, and zhao-ed.

I got on a taxi. With absolutely perfect timing. Five minutes into the journey, on the highway (!!!), I get an sms from my roomie not to go back and wait for him. Wow. And then, two other good friends call and ask me where I am. Which obviously meant............................ they were at the airport. D'uh.

I felt like a total heel. I mean, if you wouldn't, your social life is screwed up. Get some friends. Good ones. But anyway, yeah, so I agreed to meet the three of them somewhere outside. And boy, was the taxi driver annoyed. I would be, too, if I were him. I mean, detouring to somewhere totally of course from a high-speed highway? Even though he gets paid for it, I'm sure he was incredibly annoyed.

Turns out, the three of them were planning to surprise me as I returned to Singapore. And my roomie was acting as if he was separate from the other two, I could kind of tell it was a three-way plot. Wonderful time for Lit skill to kick in, really. When you've already screwed up to goodness-knows-what-end. Oh well, even though it never worked out the way they planned it, it was still an interestingly happy reunion.

But wait, there's more. My Cell Group had been expecting me too, but because my handphone was only turned on after I landed, two-thirds of their calls didn't get me, and the rest got me while I was busy apologizing to the other three. So their plans got ruined too. Granted, some of them were doing their own thing, and finding me at the airport was (you could say) kind of an afterthought. But still, that doesn't change the fact that I screwed up their plans. And now that I think about it, I never apologized. And to do so now would create the wrong impression, as if I suddenly remembered I had to feel guilty and threw in a mass apology.

Ignorance is bliss? No way. I had Lit skill honed for 4 years (and then some). Arguably, I could have gotten wind of the plan as my roomie inconspicuously sms-ed me this morning. Or maybe I couldn't have. After all, by his own admission, he factored my possible Lit skill into his sms-es and thought them over so I wouldn't suspect anything, to enhance the surprise later that would never come. But that isn't the point. The point is, even though I had no idea this was going to happen, even though I had absolutely no idea my friends would do that for me, even though any lawyer could argue my case and say that there was no way it could ever conceivably be my fault, I feel rotten. Ignorance isn't bliss. Not when it makes you blind to the light of people's hearts which they have chosen to shine on you.

I need some time to mull over this. I haven't felt this emo since, well, three years ago, when my own stupidity changed my life forever. But that's another story.

Sorry again, guys.

Monday, June 16, 2008

What Is Considered Failure

It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all; in which case, you fail by default.
-an excerpt from J.K. Rowling’s speech at the Harvard University commencement address this month.

In other words, don't ever give up, always try new things, don't be afraid of failure, because once you admit defeat, then you have truly failed. In the immortal words of Thomas Edison, one of my heroes who are already dead, "I haven't failed! I just found 10000 ways that don't work!!!"

What dedication to the lightbulb. What spirit. If anything, he really didn't need to give birth to the lightbulb, because his spirit (passion purpose drive haha) was already much brighter than the fluorescent lamps that would be invented in the wake of his masterpiece. And I've committed to living this spirit in my own life. I shall present an anecdote to illustrate this.

Well, I really love the Internet. My friends know this very well. Maybe too well. Oh well. Well, so as I was rampaging through the jungles of Brunei, I endeavoured to find a place where I could access the Internet via wireless means, just like Singapore. It was......................difficult. Why?

Houses actually had spaces between them, unlike Singapore, so no chance of 'HDB-wide wireless'. There was only one MCD in my district, so sayonara MCD wireless. Airport wireless? Pfft. Even if there was, I wouldn't be allowed to spend my life in the airport anyway.

I came across a restaurant with a 'wi-fi' sticker on the door. Heaven be praised! Wireless net! I went in, set up my laptop, and asked for a password. "Tehcspecial". How imaginative. *rolls eyes double* The connection was fine enough..................... until I tried to access something other than MSN. Nothing else could be done.

Another day, I came across another restaurant. The password given to me this time was "abc2421268". Slightly better, but any dude with a phonebook looking for the restaurant's phone number could get in, with a bit of luck, of course. But I digress. The connection was just as bad, if not worse.

But still, I persevered. I searched, and searched, and searched, and like Edison of old, I found 10000 hotspots that didn't work (exaggeration, in case you didn't know, but I have to draw parallels, so...) Maybe I couldn't find it in Brunei. But Malaysia? Hmm...

So began my search. The hotel room had wired broadband (yippee!) but it was overly exorbitantly priced. The hotel lobby had wireless net, but a prepaid card was needed to be purchased first. But just as I was about to give up, Edison spoke to me (figuratively, of course) and directed me to a place with Free. Wireless. Fast Enough. Internet. My search is over, and I enjoy the fruits of my labour.

Why do I say Edison directed me here? Because *cue the flamboyant bow and drumroll* this place still uses old fashioned lightbulbs rather than fluorescent lamps. Edison called me through his invention. Curious coincidence, don't you think? Encouraged by one of the people I look up to, from the grave, to make use of his success, to achieve my own. How fascinating.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Another Chain Blog Post

Bo Er, Arthur, Matthew Chan, Ayto, Miss Laffalot, ROWlAND, DO IT AGAIN!!!, someone else who wants to volunteer...

1. H2 Bio
2. H2 Maths
3. H2 Chemistry
4. H2 Lit
5. Absence of Internet connection
6. President of Science Council in anti-Root Beer mode

1. Getting A for GP
2. Sleeping, slacking
3. Reading and writing
4. When someone treats me to almost anything
5. Being with people
6. Drinking Root Beer
7. Talking cock with people

1. Laptop.
2. Handphone.
3. Clothes.
4. Card Pouch. If I lost that one... *shudder*
5. MY DS!!!
6. My Roomie.
7. Toiletries.

1. I don't feel stressed much, no matter how serious the matter. Until it gets to friendships. Those, I take really seriously.
2. My life's mission is to bring happiness and laughter to my community. No one gets left behind.
3. I happen to have a very wide and vivid imagination.
4. I have an incredibly fast metabolism that threatens to burn my body away if I don't eat. Which explains why I'm banned from all-you-can-eat restaurants.
5. I have sweaty palms.
6. I can act as L quite well.

1. Publish a best selling novel
2. Support my parents as they’ve done for me in the past years of my life - same answer as rowland
3. Have a long and fulfilling life.
4. Help my friends live long and fulfilling lives.
5. Travel the world.
6. Make more friends. You can't have too many.
7. Buy over the world's top Root Beer factory. (Sorry, Indora... haha...)

1. Bend back double
2. Write hopefully entertaining stories
3. Make people feel at ease.
4. Pirate cartoons and games.
5. Read books crazily fast and still get the full story until the point I can quote
6. Act.
7. Drink Root Beer like crazy.

1. Study seriously when there's less need to
2. Physical activity that isn't swimming, badminton or the 5 metre sprint
3. Play FPS Games
4. Sit still for more than an hour
5. Stop thinking about...
6. Resist the computer
7. Drink Root Beer like crazy if the President is around...

1. Friendly.
2. Someone who appreciates my humour
3. Someone who loves living
4. Someone not so demanding
5. Someone understanding
6. Someone smart
7. Someone pretty :) (Doesn't everyone want it?)

1. What sia!
3. He??? (the way the Japs say huh?)
4. Whatever lor...
5. What the sh*t?
6. D'uh.
7. You know what?


Wednesday, June 4, 2008

An Interesting but True Paradox

"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something."

How true. On a couple of levels.

On one hand, when you experience setbacks in life and you feel as if you or your life is worthless, God has allowed such events to happen for a reason (He's up to something), that is, because He knows you have the capacity to get through it, and if you do, you will come out of it a much better and stronger person.

On the other hand, when you experience the said setbacks, it's because God wants you to know that you do have the capacity to go through it, with His help. In our weakness, the strength of God can be revealed. God is more than up to the task of guiding His precious children through all the cyclones, typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes and hurricanes of life, and is waiting for you to allow Him to help you.

So why don't you smile in the face of adversity, knowing that as long as God is helping you, eventually, everything will turn out all right?

Monday, June 2, 2008

Ever hear of Chain Mail? Here's Chain Blog Post.


1. The rules of the game get posted at the beginning.
2. Each player answers the questions about themselves.
3. At the end of the post the player then tags 5 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves a comment, letting them know they got tagged and to ask them to play and read your blog.

Starting time: 1304 hrs
The idiot who made you do this: Rowland Anthony Sibugan Imperial XVI
Name: Matthew Yee
Sisters: 0
Brothers: 1
Shoe size: US 9, I think
Height: 181.318247 cm

Where do you live: Brunei, but studying in Singapore
Favourite drinks: water, Milo........... and ROOT BEER!!! (I'm sorry, Indora...)
Favourite breakfast: A non-oily breakfast that comprises non-oily food (So I'm not picky! So what? You got a problem?)

Have you ever been on a plane?: D'uh. More times than any boy my age should have. You'd think I was some rich dude's son, but nope, I'm just a scholar.
Swam in the ocean: Yup. Like during the ASEAN Signature Hunt, CJC Hostel Games outing to Sentosa etc etc etc...
Fallen asleep at school: If the teachers are reading: nope. If anyone else is: yup.
Broken someone's heart: I won't know. As if they would tell me if I did.
Fell off your chair: Yup, and I'm not ashamed to admit it! Falling off chairs is a very good way to put into persepctive how you're not as invulnerable as you think.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: I wanted to, but I fell asleep since I was in such a comfortable position on my bed next to my handphone anyway.
Saved e-mails: No. How obsessed do you need to be to do such things?

What is your room like: Room at home: No doubt tidy. My mum and maid do incredible work. Room in hostel: *evil laughter*
What's right beside you: North: My laptop. South: My pillow. East: My handphone. West: A DS addict.
What is the last thing you ate: Fried rice. And regretting it immensely. People with colds should NOT eat such things.

Ever had chicken pox: Yup. One week before my bro did, two weeks before my dad did (I'm serious). Poor mum.
Sore throat: Yes, NOW. It came free with the purchase of my cold.
Stitches: Nope. But I might, within the next two years.
Broken nose: I quote Rowland: "Won't be having any till I start courting a girl."

Do you believe in love at first sight: Nope. I believe in infatuation at first sight, and love only at 100th sight or later.
Like picnics: Technically, eating away from home is a picnic, so I have to like it, or else my life in Singapore would be sad indeed.
Who was/were the last person/people you danced with: Hmm... my fellow OGLs for mass dance during Zenith II (I still miss it...)
Who last made you smile: Every person I came into contact with.
You last yelled at: Dicky's computer, while I was busy trying to install multiple softwares. Windows Vista... Grr...

Today did you:
Talk to someone you like: Yup.
Kissed anyone: Nope.
Get sick: YES!!! Unfortunately... Colds just spread too easily...
Talk to an ex: None to talk to... Haha...
Miss someone: Yup. Both near and far.
Eat: Yes. Of course. I don't look like I eat a lot, but trust me, I do. Blame my hyper-metabolism.

Best feeling in the world: Happiness, for whatever reason.
Do you sleep with stuffed animals: I would, but my pillow is just more huggable than Mr. Bean's teddy bear.
What's under your bed: Dust and cobwebs.
Who do you really hate: What's this word 'hate'?
What time is it now?: 1320hrs.

Is there a person who is on your mind now: YES!
Do you have any siblings: Yes.
Do you want children: YES!
Do you smile often: I think so. For the details, refer to my family or my batchmates.
Do you like your hand-writing: A LOT! Now, if only everyone else did...
Are your toe nails painted: NO (wtf?)
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in: Hmm... Any empty one. Until I get married, which won't be for quite some time.
What color shirt are you wearing now: Red. TJ Mardi Gras PERFORMERS' (haha...) shirt.
What were you doing at 7:00 p.m yesterday: Talking with friends.
I can't wait till: I graduate from TJ and go to a prestigious university under a generous scholarship, graduate, become successful and happy, find my future wife, get married, have kids, live happy and contented, never failing to praise God throughout my life.
When did you cry last: When we found out we got GOLD WITH HONOURS for SYF.

Are you a friendly person: I love to meet and talk to people and try to make them laugh. It's a wonderful feeling when people laugh with you.
Do you have any pets: Yeah. All dogs.
Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: Hmm... I don't know exactly, but I'd say somewhere in Singapore.
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you now?: Heck, I don't even remember who I last held hands with.
Do you sleep with the TV on?: No. I didn't even turn it on. Was too busy with my laptop.
What are you doing right now?: Doing this survey. D'uh.
Have you ever crawled through a window?: If I did, I would plunge down to my death.
Can you handle the truth?: I can handle the truth but the prospect can terrify me greatly.
Are you too forgiving?: You can't be too forgiving.
Are you closer to your mother or father?: Hmm... Can't say for sure, really.
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: TJ Drama Club, during the release of the SYF results.
How many people can you say you've really loved?: I'm lazy to count. Why don't you count for me? My family + my friends in Brunei + my friends in Malaysia + my friends in Indonesia + my friends in Vietnam + my friends in the Philippines + my friends in Singapore + my friends in Cambodia + God
Do you eat healthy?: Who in my generation does?
Do you still have pictures of you and your ex?: None to keep...
Have you ever cried because of something someone said to you?: Yeah, and the worst part of the most unforgettable one was that I was going to start my scholarship term the next day. Not a good omen.
If you're having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to?: Depends on where I am. If in Brunei: mum or dad. If in Singapore: Roomie!
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: It depends on which group of people I am with. But usually, loud.
Are you confident?: Sometimes overconfident.

5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1. Being an antisocial idiot
2. Being an arrogant idiot
3. Hanging out with my only 3 good friends
4. Singing, singing, singing
5. Watching cartoons the whole day as if it was a religious ordeal
(It never fails to amaze me, how much I have changed since I came to Singapore...)

5 things on my to-do list today:
1. Get this survey over with
2. Sleep
3. Drink ROOT BEER!!! (Sorry, Indora...)
4. Get worried about the JCT
5. Pray for one hour or more

5 snacks I enjoy:
1. Junk food
2. Sandwiches
3. Fruits
4. ROOT BEER!!! (Sorry, Indora...)
5. Basically, anything else that you would consider a snack.

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire:
1. Look for charity organisations to donate to
2. Fund research to save the environment
3. SHOP!
4. Treat my friends and family to anything they wanted. Even the things they ask me not to buy out of politeness. They deserve that much. I love all you guys!!!
5. Buy lots and lots of food and get fat! Hahaha... Although that will be impossible until I turn 22... Maybe fund research for reverse-liposuction...

5 of my bad habits:
1. Sloth
2. Free spending
3. Over-carefree-ness
4. Spending all my time and effort on the lowest of my priorities
5. Taking quite a lot of things not seriously

5 places I have lived in:
1. Kuching, Sarawak
2. Muara, Brunei
3. Catholic Junior College Hostel, Singapore
4. Dunman High School Hostel, Singapore
5. Alexandra Hospital, Singapore (I swear, I must have spent such a great fraction of my life there...)

5 jobs I've had:
1. Student
2. English tutor
3. English comprehension marker for my old school (although admittedly, it was only 2 compres or so...)
4. Spy
5. Smuggler of ROOT BEER, among other things... (sorry, Indora...)

5 people I tag:
Bo Er
Matthew Chan



My blog. D'uh.

Where stray bolts(thoughts) get discharged from my head before they ionise every brain cell in my cerebral cortex.

That is... if I had one...

Name: WthameXt

Age: Septumdecim

Education Level: Jay Too

Place of Residence: A jungle with lots of lions...

Occupation: Foreign worker (here's to all you ASEAN scholars out there! ;P)

Likes: Food, Games, Sleep, Lightning

Dislikes: Nothing really...

Religion: Christian!!! And proud of it!!!

Click to view my Personality Profile page

More about me here.


Live Wires

Me Roomie
Rowland's tagboard
Myat Noe
Deep thoughts I wish I could write
Bo Er keeps on changing his URL
Miss Laffalot
Tiong Wei
Matt Chan
Ting Hui
Xi Nan
Mel scribbles
Pastor Kong
Recipes :P

Where Sparks Fly

Past Shocks
Women Rule The World

On The Air

An Interesting Situation

So This is the Power of A'Levels

JCT Woes


H1N1 Woes

Revelation of my Subconscious Self?

"I don't need to be a hero, I just want to help so...


The Circuit Board
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009

dafont. Destiny Boy