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Storms rock. There's the sunshine afterward to look forward to.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

I Really Like Chain Blog Posts


CBP #1 - I'm Making This Survey Because I Would Want To Take It. RandomRandomRandom. (I swear, that's the name of the CBP)

Spell your name with no consonants: AE. Heyyyyyy, that's very interesting! I have so few vowels!

What do you want to do with your life? Become a forensic scientist. Or a writer. Or both.

Do you smile with teeth, or without? With. Which creates a problem since my teeth are less than perfect. Hence the braces.

If you had to dye your hair an UNnatural color, what color would it be? WHITE, MAN! It'll be damn cool...

Where are your baby pictures kept? Ask Mum. Most probably that nook of the house she scares me away from by telling me about giant spiders there. I know now it's fake, but my hyperarachnophobia just keeps on asking, "What if???" Grr.

Have you ever attended a wedding? Whose? A lot. Mostly my parents' friends, but recently (as in within 1.5 years) my own friends' too. Yes, I have older friends... O_o

What news channel do you watch the most, if any? Prime Time Morning on Channel 5!!! It's hilarious how they try so hard to make everything so politically correct and still can look so happy doing it.

Do you think, if you were someone else, you would like you? Yes. (ego ego ego...) But honestly, given my drive to try make everyone like me, my other self would most probably like me.

Why are you friends with your friends? Because they rock. D'uh.

The worst feeling is when... I'm ignored.

Can you cuss around your parents without getting in trouble? What's 'cuss'?

Last song you downloaded? HAH, that's a real big joke. Atika and Chi Yung know exactly what I'm downloading now. If I published it on-blog, *they* might come after me...

Do you ever actually participate in the ads on the sides of the page? No. I know too well it's a virus or some link to some disgusting porn site.

Can you crack your toes? Oh yeah. But never on purpose.

Opinion on the FreeCreditReport.com commercials: Please don't feed us these lies. We know 'free credit' actually has an invisible 'not' in front of the 'free'. Thanks to the cynical econs scholars I am friends with.

How many songs are on your iPod/mp3? Mp3: 790. DS: 63.

What sort of things are on the walls in your house? Hostel: my class photos and my drama photos, along with a map of Shibuya. House: Nothing. Cheap paint peels if tape or blu-tack is stuck there.

Would you kill for anyone? No. I believe I've said it multiple times, but Thou shalt not kill, man.

Three things that make you incredibly happy: I'm not that greedy. I'm only happy with one thing: Almost everything. HAHA.

If you had to take a name of the opposite sex's, what would it be? Hmm.... That's a good one.... Sarah. 'God's Princess'. Very tasteful.

Has someone ever threw something at your window to get your attention? Nope. Houses are too far apart in Brunei, and no one's arm is strong enough to get my hostel room window. 7TH FLOOR HAHA!!!

Do penguins have knees? No. Only happy feet.

Your newest item of clothing? The Delta House T-shirt.

What do you do if you woke up in a Tim Burton film? Say, "VELLKOMM, DENIZENS OV ZE NAIT!! VEE HAFF BEEN EGGSSPEKTING YOO!!!" to my poor audience.

Can you see your front door from where you are sitting? If I turn 180 degrees. The hostel room door is remarkably close to anything else in the room.

Would you want dragons/elves/wizards/fairies to exist? I know they do. I have a dragon friend whose birthday is next month, an elf friend in NJC, a lot of my friends can use magic, and I know a few fairies. Sounds like my life is eternally dreaming, doesn't it? But it's true, man...

How would it be to be PacMan? Damn cool. Just think, eternal eating. Forever. *drools* Maybe I can actually gain weight...

Are Ugly Dolls cute or just ugly? Cute.

How is your luck, on a scale of 1 to 10? Zero. Divine intervention, depending on what God deems fit to grant.

Favorite Youtube video? CRAZY INDIAN VIDEO...... BUFFALAXED!!! My loony bun is fine Benny Lava... Minor bun engine made Benny Lava... Anybody need this sign Benny Lava... You need a bun to bite Benny Lava... Have you been high today? I see the nuns are gay!

Have you ever yelled at a complete stranger? Yeah, that she dropped her purse.

Tie-dye or plaid? Printed by competent people.

Are you really okay? Nope. Which is why I do CBPs with random questions.

CBP #2 - 45 of the Most Random Things you probably never needed to know about someone.

whats your name spelt backwards? Wehttam. Mystical sounding, no?

What did you do last night? Sleep. I can just sense your disbelief. Ok fine, I woke up multiple times because of headaches.

The last thing you downloaded onto your computer? Seeing as my computer is dead, I'll say the last thing I asked someone to help me download was Diamond Dust Rebellion.

Have you ever licked a 9 volt battery? Yeah. Shocking. Who knew tastebuds could tingle like that? NO I'M JUST KIDDING DUH!!! What sane person would do that?!?

Last time you swam in a pool? Last Sunday.

What are you wearing? I sense a repetition of questions from the previous post. But I changed clothes! Mwahahaha!!! Unassuming grey shorts, and the hostel T-shirt.

How many cars have you owned? 78 toy ones, 31 virtual ones and 1/3021 of a real one. The accelerator and brake along with the remote control box.

Type of music you dislike most? Music that reveals that the artist would not even have released the song if not for sound-altering technology that actually makes them sound competent.

Are you registered to vote? Nope. The PAP would win anyway without my help...

Do you have cable? The hostel does. Me myself? No.

What kind of computer do you use? Compaq laptop Presario V3000. WHICH IS DEAD, THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME!

Ever made a prank phone call? Nope, but the receiver thought it was.

You like anyone right now? Yeah. Not telling who, though.

Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? Went bungee jumping. An adrenaline rush, that was. I thought I would end up like Humpty Dumpty.

Furthest place you ever traveled? China. Hopefully Korea after promos.

What's your favorite comic strip? Garfield, although Foxtrot comes a close second. And Zits a close third. They all rock!

Do u know all the words to the national anthem? Which one? I know Brunei, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia and the Philippines. That's like, half of ASEAN.

Shower, morning or night? Both. I HAVE HYGIENE, YO!!!

Best movie you've seen in the past month? Diamond Dust Rebellion. Pirated, of course. Only watched one other movie this month, that being the dystopic movie Death Race.

Favorite pizza toppings? Anything except pineapple. Sweet and healthily juicy don't go with salty, spicy and oilyly juicy.

Chips or popcorn? Chips anyday. Although I DO like popcorn. You can't be picky with my hypermetabolism.

What cell phone provider do you have? M1. Matthew's One. Lol.

Have you ever smoked peanut shells? What kind of idiot'd do that?

Have you ever been in a beauty pageant? My looks are sadly meant only for NRICs and not beauty pageants.

Orange Juice or apple? Apple. Orange makes me too hyper to be coherent. Apple does the same thing, but I like it more.

Who were the last people you sat at lunch with? Strictly lunch? Atika, Chi Yung, Ya Guang, Surya, and for a few minutes Kaizen.

favorite chocolate bar? Cadbury. Black Forest rocks.

Who is your longest friend and how long? Joel Ting. 11 years and counting.

Last time you ate a homegrown tomato? My past life. Like when I was Shakespeare or something.

Have you ever won a trophy? Yup! In Brunei for the National Wordplay English Competition, among others. In Singapore all they give is money and certificates.

Favorite arcade game? Time Crisis II.

Ever ordered from an infomercial? NO DUH. Unless you count Canadian Pizza and Pizza Hut infomercials.

Sprite or 7-UP? Sprite. But seriously, what's the diff?

Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school/work? I pity these poor Americans who write up these questions... Never heard of school uniforms before... *sigh* We Asians are a BIT more disciplined. But just a bit. Or you might say 'conservative'. Whatever works.

Last thing you bought at Walgreens? Sadly, I'm not a Westerner.

Ever thrown up in public? Is school public?

Would you prefer being a millionaire or finding true love? Finding true love. Just call me a hopeless romantic.

Do you believe in love at first sight? For those who have just started reading my blog, for your info, I've answered this a gazillion times already, the most recent being the previous post.

SPONGEBOB OR JIMMY NEUTRON? SpongeBob! Jimmy only depresses us with his mind, but dear old Spongebob reminds us that there's still hope.

Did you have long hair as a young kid? Long hair is in the eye of the beholder. For the Mum, no hair is too short for a boy. Actually, I suspect she's still trying to get me to go bald to save money.

What message is on your voicemail machine? *Beep* I'm sorry, but Matthew is unable to come to the phone right now, but if you take the trouble to listen to this non-existent message recorded mysteriously on a non-existent voicemail machine, you just might hear a beep after the non-existent message supplied by your own imagination and you can leave a message for Matthew. He won't get it though. He's too busy looking for a voicemail machine. If you're still waiting for the beep, you idiot. *BEEP*

Where would you like to go right now? Dreamland.

Whats the name of your pet? Dee Ess.

What kind of back pack do you have, and what's in it? An Adidas, which has nothing in it, because I have deigned to use a smaller Aoking sling-bag in light of my laptop's death.

What do you think about most? Variations of wild stories where our world has magic or some people have certain powers and I am one of them. May seem childish, but it trains the imagination. And at least I'm smart enough to know they'll not happen. Or will they??? (X Files X Files X Files...)



My blog. D'uh.

Where stray bolts(thoughts) get discharged from my head before they ionise every brain cell in my cerebral cortex.

That is... if I had one...

Name: WthameXt

Age: Septumdecim

Education Level: Jay Too

Place of Residence: A jungle with lots of lions...

Occupation: Foreign worker (here's to all you ASEAN scholars out there! ;P)

Likes: Food, Games, Sleep, Lightning

Dislikes: Nothing really...

Religion: Christian!!! And proud of it!!!

Click to view my Personality Profile page

More about me here.


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