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Storms rock. There's the sunshine afterward to look forward to.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

More Chain Blog Posts

Found more to do...

CBP #1 - Another Music CBP

Fast forward your music player through three songs while shuffle is on. To answer the following questions, you can only use lyrics from these three songs. You can use any number of words, but if you use more than one, the words must be consecutive within the song. Answers must not be identical and you cannot use words from the same line twice. Use the lyrics wisely! Test your wit!

1 - What are your songs?
Where Is The Love by Black Eyed Peas, Not Ready For Goodbye by All For One and Closer by Ne-Yo

2 - Describe yourself.
I'm crazy! (Lol... In context of the song, it's supposed to be emo, but here it's fitting...)

3 - When is your birthday?
The truth is kept secret, it's swept under the rug... (It's public knowledge really, but from the lyrics, it's the only thing I can use.)

4 - Name one of your convictions.
Love and peace are so strong! (Yeah, woohoo!)

5 - What do you want to accomplish in life?
I'm trying to write... (Again, the meaning has been changed... Lol... I wanna be a good writer!)

6 - What do you think is one of the biggest problems in the world?
The USA, the big CIA, the Bloods and the Crips and the KKK! (The Black Eyed Peas couldn't have been any more accurate...)

7 - What is the most fun thing you've ever done in your whole life?
Turn the lights off in this place... (and sleep!!! Lol...)

8 - What do you do with your free time?
Sitting here staring at the wall. (Never underestimate the power of spacing out...)

9 - Which would you prefer: Books or games?
Father, Father, Father help us! (I have no idea either!!!)

10 - How are you feeling today?
Let your soul gravitate to the love, y'all! (Yeah, I'm a hippie.)

11 - What did you eat for dinner today?
Bacteria. (Well, it's true!)

12 - What do you think about the thing you're doing most nowadays?
I just can't stop, I just can't stop, I just can't stop... (True what, promos are coming...)

13 - What would you do if you had to stay for 2 days in an airport?
Attracted to things that'll bring you trauma. (Like playing games non-stop etc...)

14 - Which would you prefer: Chatting with friends or doing something alone?
Please pick up the phone... (Yes, I shall talk with friends! Wakakakak...)

15 - What do you think of your friends?
I just can't pull myself away!

16 - What do your friends think of you?
Madness is what you demonstrate. (L. O. L.)

17 - What would you tell a friend about to commit suicide?
It's breaking my heart. (Yeah, friends, please don't commit suicide...)

18 - What can you say about your best friend?
Brother. (Yes, indeed, he might as well be my brother.)

19 - How would you react if something really bad happened today?
Where's the love, y'all? C'mon! I don't know.

20 - What do you like most about your crush?
Under her spell I can't break. (Well, it fits...)

21 - What would you most want your crush to say to you?
I love you. (D'uh.)

22 - How would you respond?
Every breath that I take, every beat of my heart, you know it's all for you... (Kinda overdoing it, but I'm not allowed identical answers, so...)

23 - Is this quiz irritating you?
Forever and always. (You have no idea...)

CBP #2 - A freaking long one... With 200 questions O_o

What is your name?: Matthew
Are you named after anyone?: St.Matthew! He rox!
Would you name a child of yours after you?: No way man... How would YOU react if suddenly I came to you and "Hey, friend! Meet my son: Matthew Yee the Second!" *shudder*
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: Michelle. That's what my mum said when she was high on wine chicken or something.
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: Kaizen. It's a damn cool name which means 'continuous development'.
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: MaTiu. Get the TH right, people!!!
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: Never! I'm already infamous, and not dropping my last name...

Your gender: Male. Heard of any girl named Matthew? Huh? Huh??
Straight/Gay/Bi: I'm a happy straight guy who was friends of both sexes.
Single?: Yup!
If not, do you want to be?: Hmm... Good question.
Birthdate: 14 November 1991.
Your age: 16. For a while more.
Age you act: Usually 13, but there's the once-in-a-blue-moon moment where I actually go 19.
Age you wish you were: 17. Nevermind, it'll come soon MWAHAHAHAHA...
Your height: 180 cm.
Eye color: Brown.
Happy with it?: Yeah, although I've always thought about having shining blue ones, anime style...
Hair color: Extremely dark hazel brown.
Happy with it?: A bit lighter, please.
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous: Right, although I used to be ambidextrous. All babies are.
Your living arrangement: I so don't get this question. Unless you want me to say that I live in an incredibly messy room in a hostel with a cool roomie.
Your family: I have parents, like any person on this planet, along with a younger brother.
Have any pets?: I'm in a hostel!!! Hellooooooo... I have no intention of the hostel kicking me out because my pet dog pooped on my mentor's shoe or something. He'd probably swear till Kingdom Come.
Whats your job?: Scholar. We get paid to slack, we give the MOE studying free! Yeah! Scholar power!!!
Piercings?: None.
Tattoos?: A scar on my right leg.
Obsessions?: You have no idea...
Addictions?: My DS, Bio, my laptop (which is still waiting to be ressurected), writing, ping-pong and talking. Used to include Root Beer, but not anymore, thanks to the delegate from Indonesia...
Do you speak another language?: Yeah. Nonsense.
Have a favorite quote?: "I haven't failed! I just found 10000 ways that don't work!" - Thomas Edison. Clearly, he was in optimistic denial.
Do you have a webpage?: If I didn't have one, could I type this? And you read it? Hellooooooo...

Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it
Do you live in the moment?: Yes, I do. Adaptability was the #1 strength in TJC students lol... The imba woman was too imba to get it though mwahahhahaa...
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: People say they have never seen my full power anger before, so yeah.
Do you have any secrets?: Who doesn't? A robot, maybe. Too easily hacked.
Do you hate yourself?: On the contrary.
Do you like your handwriting?: Yeah, woohoo!!! It's amazing how it's so untidy and yet people can still decipher it. It's unique. Yeah.
Do you have any bad habits?: Yup, but I am SO not willing to tell you.
What is the compliment you get from most people?: I don't bother to count or memorise. Relishing compliments makes you arrogant.
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: Subarashiki Kono Sekai (It's A Wonderful World) [game by SquareEnix]. My life is wonderful!
Can you sing?: I THINK I can. Whether I really can, though, is up to my audience.
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: People who pretend to look cool usually look like idiots. So no. I can be an idiot by myself, thank you.
Are you a loner?: Definitely not.
What are your #1 priorities in life?: Finding a #1 priority in life.
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: Most probably.
Are you a daredevil?: Depends on where. If in a game where you can save your game and load if you die, then yeah.
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: Yes, and the scar sinks deep.
Are you passive or agressive?: Aggressively passive.
Do you have a journal?: This blog for the not-so-secret stuff, and my head for the rest.
What is your greatest strength and weakness?: My positivity. Ever seen someone who was too happy? When the world finally crashes it's devastating. Although it takes a lot to crash my world anyway.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: I want to be a better person.
Do you think you are emotionally strong?: I must be the only boy in existence who cries openly. Whether you consider that strength is up to you.
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: Hah, if only you knew...
Do you think life has been good so far?: YES INDEEDY!!! XD
What do you like the most about your body?: My skeleton. There's nothing else to choose...
And least?: My skeleton. There's nothing else to choose... Deja vu, anyone?
Do you think you are good looking?: Depends. At least I'll look better once my braces come off.
Are you confident?: Too much at times, methinks.
What is the fictional character you are most like?: Now that I think about it, Asakura Yoh. A go-with-the-flow slacker with a lot of potential who only uses it when needed, loves to make friends, and believes the best of people.
Are you perceived wrongly?: Ask them, not me.

Do You...
Read the newspaper?: Does Time magazine count?
Pray?: Of course.
Go to church?: God is my witness.
Talk to strangers who IM you?: Strangers can't IM me.
Sleep with stuffed animals?: NOOOOO YOU'RE MAKING ME MISS MY MR.BEAN TEDDY BEAR!!!
Take walks in the rain?: Yeah. Due to lack of umbrella and water-proof stuff.
Talk to people even though you hate them?: What's this word, 'hate'?
Drive?: No license. Whether I can drive anyway, I'll leave that to you to speculate... mwahahhaha...
Like to drive fast?: Hmmm...

Would or Have You Ever?
Liked your voice?: Duh.
Hurt yourself?: Duh.
Been out of the country?: SCHOLAR HELLOOOOOO...
Eaten something that made other people sick?: Haha, my hypermetabolism makes me immune to a lot of stuff.
Been in love?: Ok, I'll admit it.
Gone skinny dipping?: Until now I still don't know what this means.
Had a medical emergency?: You have no idea...
Had surgery?: Not strictly.
Ran away from home?: Nope. You won't survive if you do that in Brunei. The wild animals will get you.
Gotten beaten up?: Yeah, and cried until my Dad came to pick me up.
Beaten someone up?: As if I have the strength, even if I had the intention.
Been picked on?: Yup.
Been on stage?: Don't make a scene, make DRAMA!
Slept outdoors?: Outward Bound brings back fond memories...
Thought about suicide?: NO DUH.
Pulled an all nighter?: Too many to count.
If yes, what is your record?: 40 hours. Then slept for 25.
Gone one day without food?: Yup. And annoyed people with my loudly growling stomach. And woke up the next morning to eat a crazy load of food.
Talked on the phone all night?: How do you define 'all night'? If from, say, midnight to 2 am or something like that, then yeah...
Slept all day?: I just said I did.
Killed someone?: Spiders aren't people. And if I was a murderer do you THINK I would reveal it?
Made out with a stranger?: *stunned silence*
Kissed the same sex?: See previous answer.
Been betrayed?: Yeah.
Had a dream that came true?: A freaking lot. I'm starting to scare myself.
Met a famous person?: The imba woman swears she's famous, so...
Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: No.
On purpose?:
No either. Spiders aren't animals!
Stolen anything?: Sensitive issue here, yo.
Been on radio/tv?: Yeah. And regretted it for the rest of my life. HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN THE TAIL ROTOR???
Been in a mosh-pit?: WTH man...
Had a nervous breakdown?: Positivity won't allow it.
Bungee jumped?: WOOHOO THIS IS FUN!!! Wait, why am I getting closer and closer to the ground without slowing down??? OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT.......... *phew* bounced back up again...
Had a dream that kept coming back?: For some reason, everytime I have a fever I have the same disturbing dream about trying to pick a flower to give a girl that has kept on changin throughout the years. And for some reason, I can never pick the flower out.

Belive in life on other planets?: No.
Miracles?: I've even had them happen to me and my family.
Astrology?: No.
Magic?: HAH I am like the scholars' insanely enthusiastic advocate for magic. But honestly, no.
God?: Amen!
Satan?: Unfortunately, yeah.
Santa?: I believe in St.Nicholas, the skinny dude who donated his vast bags of gold to random poor people, from whom the legend of the fat dude who gives toys to good kids is derived. Poor misunderstood Nick, to have his legacy warped like that...
Ghosts?: Yes. But they hardly ever leave hell.
Luck?: Divine intervention, more like.
Love at first sight?: As I said in a much earlier chain blog post, I believe in infatuation at first sight, and love at hundredth sight or later.
Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: It's more like, Good and Bad exist. Period.
Witches?: Even though some women act like one, I don't believe so.
Easter bunny?: I'm sixteen years old, not sixteen days!
Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: Yes. But I admit it's hard. But at the same time, it's much easier the more special your partner is.
Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: I'm a bloody science student. I know where gold and rainbows come from.
Do you wish on stars?: Yeah. Even though I know stars don't make wishes come true. God does.

Deep Theological Questions
Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: There's a modern view? What, angelic DJs that play holy rap songs and demons using a hell-wide computer network to surf porn?
Do you think God has a gender?: *mystical voice* Some things are beyond our understanding...
Do you believe in organized religion?: There's disorganised religion?
Where do you think we go when we die?: Heaven or hell, depending on one major choice and all the relatively minor ones that follow

Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: Yeah. And I have no problem, unless the gay ones make a move on me.
Who is your best friend?: I have many.
Your favourite inside joke?: Scholars have a plethora of jokes we only remember when the situation is right.
Newest?: Hong Quan. Mr Lock died and Hong Quan was born.
Shyest?: Depending on in what situation, Atika or Norman.
Funniest?: Too many people make me laugh. I can't decide.
Sweetest?: Hmm... The imba woman!!!
Closest?: Isn't this equal to best friend?
Weirdest?: Scholars are all weird. But that's what makes us cool! But you want super-weird? Nguyen Tri Minh.
Smartest?: We call her the imba woman for a reason... Oh, and Nguyen Hoang Duy.
Ditziest?: What's 'Ditzy'?
Friends you miss being close to the most?: Everyone, once I leave them.
Last person you talked to online?: Sean Yeow.
Who do you talk to most online?: Lately Sean Yeow.
Who are you on the phone with most?: Sean Yeow?
Who do you trust most?: God, my parents, most of my friends, including Sean Yeow. Lol.
Who listens to your problems?: See previous answer.
Who do you fight most with?: None.
Do you always feel understood?: Hmm... Dunno.
Do you trust others easily?: Yeah.
Do your friends know you?: Too well, methinks.
Friend that lives farthest away:: I have a friend who moved to the UK.

Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake?: No way. God gave us the ability to love for a reason, yo.
What do you find romantic?: I have no intention to write a KI essay on this.
Turn-on?: Not exactly sure.
Turn-off?: Not exactly sure.
First kiss?: NA.
If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: Bad for inculcating that interest in the first place.
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going out: Duh.
Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: I hate social stereotypes. And all the rest for that matter.
Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractive: Define please, but if it is what I think it is, then no. The face is physical, no?
Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: Ask them, please, not me.
What is best about the opposite sex?: I could write another essay...
What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: Man, I'm gonna start asking you to pay me for writing these essays.
Are you in love?: Who knows?
Do you consider your significant other hot?: Don't have one yet.

Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you?: The spirit of the Ping-Pong maniac. Remember, Chi Yung?
You wanted to kill?: Thou shalt not kill, man.
That you laughed at?: The last person? Babeh.
That laughed at you?: Ayto.
That turned you on?: Depends on what you consider 'on'.
You went shopping with?: Ayto. In Wei Min Clinic, shopping for medicine lol.
That broke your heart?: Some dude named Nathaniel. A long long time ago, when I screwed up his life and he paid back the favour.
To disappoint you?: Myself.
To ask you out?: For a date, no one. For fun, Atika.
To make you cry?: Shane West (Is that how you spell it?) and Mandy Moore in A Walk To Remember.
To brighten up your day?: Most of my scholar friends.
That you thought about?: A lot of my friends.
You saw a movie with?: Conk, Henry and Cite.
You talked to on the phone?: Dicky.
You talked to through IM/ICQ?: Sean Yeow. Lol, return of the Sean Yeow, much?
You saw?: Kaizen. No wait, Tirta. No wait, Babeh, No wait, Surya. No wait, Ya Guang. No wait, Eric. No wait, Conk. SEE WHAT HAPPENS IN A HOSTEL?!?!?
You lost?: Grandmother.

Right This Moment...
Are you going out?: No duh.
Will it be with your significant other?: NA, man, NA.
Or some random person?: I said I wan't going out...
What are you wearing right now?: Clothes. Duh. The TJC DRAMA T-SHIRT WOOHOO!!! Yes, Indora, I know I'm biased...
What are you worried about right now?: Promos. And as a result, keeping my scholarship and OBK.
What book are you reading?: Notes that carry the title PHENOLS........MATTHEW in highly decorative pink lettering. Copyrighted some more.
Are you bored?: Do you think I'd be doing this if I wasn't?
Are you tired?: Kinda.
Are you talking to anyone online?: Not now.
Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: No.
Are you lonely or content?: Very much content.
Are you listening to music?: And I just can't pull myself away,
Under her spell I can't break! I just can't stop, I just can't stop, I just can't stop, I just can't stop...And I just can't free myself away but I don't want to escape... I just can't stop, I just can't stop, I just can't stop, I just can't stop, I just can't stop... Oh, you didn't ask me to sing? *grumble grumble...*

Brought to you by Bzoink



My blog. D'uh.

Where stray bolts(thoughts) get discharged from my head before they ionise every brain cell in my cerebral cortex.

That is... if I had one...

Name: WthameXt

Age: Septumdecim

Education Level: Jay Too

Place of Residence: A jungle with lots of lions...

Occupation: Foreign worker (here's to all you ASEAN scholars out there! ;P)

Likes: Food, Games, Sleep, Lightning

Dislikes: Nothing really...

Religion: Christian!!! And proud of it!!!

Click to view my Personality Profile page

More about me here.


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Where Sparks Fly

Past Shocks
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Famous People Speak during the time of our Promos

Reach for the Stars..............with a little hel...

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Life isn't that screwed up after all...

Electronic Wonders

What A Relief

The United Nations

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dafont. Destiny Boy