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Storms rock. There's the sunshine afterward to look forward to.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Last (Maybe) MCT Post

It seems that although I have been confined to the hostel for this last day of the MCTs, the interesting events keep on happening, and why shouldn't they? After all, a boring life leads to......well...... boredom, I guess.

BUT ANYWAY!!! Today's interesting event involved my particularly over-jubilant roomie, who evidently was so happy from the Physics paper's end that his mind started to play tricks on him, making him absolutely 128% sure that yours truly was a Physics student. Now, I know that I know the definition of potential difference and that V=IR and that I surely want the rate of change of momentum to be with me, but that clearly isn't enough to qualify me as a Physics student. But anyhow, his addled mind conjured up the illusion anyway.

Since we had planned out a bowling outing, he frantically searches the Physics crowd for me, and upon being not able to find me, grabs Tirta's phone (because his can't be used to call) and places a call.

Meanwhile, in DHS Hostel...

*"The 13th Struggle" ringtone plays*
Matthew-the-pirate-who-already-finished-MCTs-before-them: Hello?
Matthew: Erm... hostel.
*2 split seconds of stunned silence*
Ayto: OH YEAH!!! *laughs like a maniac*
Ayto (before pressing 'End Call')(to Tirta): ADUH, I FORGOT HE NO PHYSICS!!!

Ayto, get some depressants. Now.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

MCTs Addle The Mind

I kid you not. I have scientific evidence that proves that MCTs damage brain cells to the point where they leave their victims in a state of catatonic blurness. See the proof below.

Exhibit A: Kaizen sleeping on Ayto's bed

Exhibit B: Tirta sleeping on Kaizen's bed

Exhibit C: Ayto sleeping on Tirta's bed

THIS IS THE POWER OF MCTS!!! Kinda makes you wonder what's going to happen for JCTs. Maybe five people will go catatonically insane. Or maybe we'll have guys thinking their rooms are in the female block. Or something.

Thank God It's Over

At least, I'm able to say that, though for the notably relatively large population of Physics students who read my blog, I'd better not say more on the subject.

Maths. Well, what can I say? Just when we think we're prepared, just when we feel at our most confident, just when the night before we put down our notes and said with a flourish: "I'm finished!", the Maths Department exceeds all our expectations. Except for the few gifted students out there, I'm sure everyone would heartily agree with me that the Maths paper was hell. Although honestly, maybe we really didn't study enough. But 87% of the cohort couldn't have not-studied to the same extent, right?

Oh well, at least there was ONE funny incident today. My dear classmates Ting Hui and Zhenyu, being swamped with exam stress, believed with their whole being that we would be seated in the hall, as far back as our class was on the cohort list. Ting Hui, seeing the rest of us were doing some last-minute frenzied preparations outside the auditorium, was peer-pressured into going to the correct place. However, Zhenyu, who has always been somewhat of a loner, really went to the hall and tried to kick away the person sitting at 'his seat'. Luckily, he came to his senses before the paper started...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Transcript of Doom

Recently, it seems like there is starting to be a wave of dreams about our dear friend Kelvin Senjaya. A few days ago, I had a vaguely vivid dream of Kelvin spying on me for strange reasons. And just a few hours ago, Kar Yong had a dream about Kelvin too.

*DISCLAIMER* This transcript of the conversation concerning Kar Yong's dream has no ulterior motive but to entertain. Any person offended by the following transcript is purely unintentional.

Matthew: So, Conk (Kelvin), what was that dream about?
Kelvin: Kar Yong had this dream that I was getting stabbed by a mad woman.
D**X**n (looking away from PC): Huh? Huh? What's this about?
Matthew: No, I was just noting that lately got people dreaming about him one.
D**X**n: Huh so Kar Yong got dream about Conk also?
Kelvin: No lah, it's like the mad woman was stabbing him and me lah, so I'm like a side character.
Matthew: So like, both of you kena stab by a crazy woman?
Kelvin: Yeah, and the woman got short hair like Indora!
Matthew: Huh how come suddenly got the Imba Woman?
D**X**n: EH EH I KNOW I KNOW! So she stabbed Conk because she say, "YOU HAD AN AFFAIR WITH HIM [Kar Yong]" and she stabbed Kar Yong because she say, "YOU WERE UNFAITHFUL!!!"
*120dB laughs pervade the room*

Indora, good luck trying to find a person to kill.

The Third Day

Walau, having a title like that, it feels like I'm scripting the Kingdom Hearts II tutorial...

BUT ANYWAY! With the Chem paper, quite a few people, notably me and Kaizen, have realised and experienced the true meaning of despair. What made it so bad for me was most probably the fact that it was DOABLE, and I studied harder, or practised more, or made an effort to stop all the knowledge from desorbing away from my brain, or was as imba as the Imba Woman, I would have probably done okay. But due to one or a combination of the above four factors, or rather the lack of them, 27 moles of marks have flown away just like that.

It's times like this I wish I was the Imba Woman, or at least had her brain.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

The Saga Continues

Interestingly, but not unpredictably, my efforts for the Bio paper paid off today, and I found the paper more than doable.

The weirdness came in during the Lit paper. We were seated and ready to start, and when Ms Nansi told us she could start, and we turned the page, she LAUGHED. Yes, I kid you not. Although the other students were busy concentrating on the paper, so I doubt they looked up to notice. But I was freaked out of my skin. The H2 essay, being a topic paper, couldn't be screwed up that badly, but the H1 essay was impossible. I think the Lit department didn't take the MCTs seriously, and so for fun just purposely set an undoable paper. I mean, see the transcript of the conversation we had just after the paper.

Ms Nansi: Guys, I apologise in advance for the H1 essay!!!
Every Lit student's thoughts: WTH WHAT WAS THAT MAN???
Ms Nansi: Really, really, I apologise!
Some girl in front: MS NANSI I'M GONNA FAIL!!!
Ms Nansi (calling out): Ok, so how many of you think you're gonna fail?
*Like, two-thirds of the hands go up*
Ms Nansi (laughing): Walau, cannot like that one! Self-confidence is the way to go! Can pass one!
*Ms Nansi laughs evilly*

I just hope that the Chem paper tomorrow isn't as crazy. It's already worrying enough that a rumour is being spread around that the Chem department extrapolated that any student would be lucky to get more than 42%.

Oh, speaking of studying for Chem, evidently, the stress is getting to some people. Check out this transcript.

Context: Before this, Ayto Faiz had done a quiz on Facebook which told him he had qualities similar to Asmodeus, the demon of lust.

Kaizen (talking about a friend): And he damn bad eh, insult her like that. ('Her' is a girl Ayto knows)
Matthew: Huh, you are attracted to her?
Kaizen: Walau eh, and he asks why he got Asmodeus...
Ayto: What?? True what, how come I get Asmodeus???
Matthew (to Kaizen): Eh, true leh, you know, just now I performed a test on Ayto. I asked him if suddenly one of you all came into the room and said, "Eh, I downloaded porn, let's go watch!", how would he react? And his answer was "I WANT!!!"
Ayto: Eh, I joking only lah!
*Kaizen makes to go away from the room*
Ayto: Eh, Zen, Zen, wait wait. Come, you test me now, see whether I fall for temptation or not.
Ayto: Aiyah, nevermind lah. Come on, Zen!
*Kaizen utilises the skills he got from the SJI Drama Club*
(Translated from Bahasa Indo)
Kaizen: Eh, Ayto, I downloaded porn! Wanna watch?
*Ayto pushes up his glasses and looks at him patronisingly*
Ayto: No man, must study for Chem.
*120 dB laughs pervade the room*

"We must study Chem". Coming from the guy who, two hours ago, didn't know the difference between an alcohol and a carboxylic acid ("Both got OH what!!") and just tried to confirm with me what else was under carbonyl compounds besides carboxylic acids.

Monday, March 23, 2009

MCTs Begin

I think TJC must be the only JC in the entire country who starts Common Tests on the day after the holidays. VJC had it right, man. They had the CTs the week before the holidays so the students could actually have a holiday, unlike the study break we had. And to make matters worse, they just HAD to play ominous music this morning before assembly and ruin the atmosphere for all of us. All right, fine, Ting Hui and I laughed like maniacs. But still!

But anyway, if I've learned one thing from today's GP paper, it's to never go to sleep after you finish double-checking. Because the friends you have in the exam venue who can see you sleeping without being considered a cheat will confront you after the paper and scold you for demoralising the whole lot of them, even if that wasn't your intention in the first place.

Come on, man! I'll have my own heavy day just like you tomorrow. And is it my fault I have a legendary mother who gave me a headstart?

Mwahahaha!!! But to all the Econs students reading, I hope you did well.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A Thought

"Often the hands will solve a mystery that the intellect has struggled with in vain."

We tend to be of the mindset, or at least subconsciously think, that "mysteries" are most efficiently solved through hard thinking. However, oftentimes we realise that some things just have to be learnt intuitively and cannot be memorised from any textbook. Sports illustrate this. You can read about perfect form and strategies and teamwork all you want, but when you try to translate this to the playing field, it takes much more than just elucidation from a textbook to guide you through. It takes practice, practice, and more practice. Hence, the "hands" are more useful here than the "intellect".

But the hands and the intellect need not work exclusively. They work together for a myriad of situations. The unsung heroes known as construction workers utilise both their mind and muscles to do their job; pushing, lifting, moving objects while using their experience to think of where the said objects go. Some may defy the notion, saying that construction is hardly a "mystery" but rather a mundane menial task. I ask you then, could you possibly tell me of the calculations that lead to pillars being placed at oh-so-specific locations? If you can, then haven't you learnt a thing or two about physics or architecture? What we usually classify as a "mystery" in this aspect is nothing more than a lack of knowledge concerning the topic.

But it is not just the hands and the head which are required to illuminate mysteries. The heart also plays a role. Sometimes, we find ourselves at a point where logic fails, and there is no choice but to go along with instinct. Take emotions as an example. We can explain the logic of why some emotions lead us to do some things, but we are nowhere near explaining why we have emotions in the first place. And we act on our emotions, without even understanding how they come about. Our brains "struggle in vain" to rationalise what we do, but in the end, we sometimes act without thinking anyway. This 'follow your heart' phenomenon is the reason why we grasp things sometimes without even knowing why. It is also the reason why there are such people as Literature students.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Old Self

I had never noticed it myself before, but based on everything I have found out thanks to my spying skills, it seems I haven't totally thrown away my old self yet.

Maybe it's a good thing; I have a constant reminder of how I used to be, so I can appreciate the changes.
On the other hand, it shows that the changes are not complete yet.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Too Much Exposure To My Thesaurus






No wonder our room looks like a nuclear wasteland.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

An Interesting Note Going Around Facebook


Go to urbandictionary.com and type in your answer to each question in the search box, and
write the FIRST definition it gives you. You're going to find some pretty funny results. Try not to take offense to some of them! Then tag 20 people!

1. your first name: Matthew

a sexy guy that liked the women and has a nice tooth brush

(SEE!! Even Urban Dictionary thinks hot pink is nice!!!)

2. your last name: Yee

You say Yee if you're hella hyped off what you do..For instance, IN THE BAY AREA! It's poppin pills of the block, it's like you're hella hot off something you're not even on.

(So now my family are drug addicts...)

3. your birth month: November

The best month of the year! Snow, getting ready for Christmas, celebrating thanksgiving & having thanksgiving break.

4. your age: 17

When you have more responsibility than at 16, but without all the fun of 18.

(How interesting...)

5. your favourite animal: Cat

The definitive pet.
Cleans self. Knows how to catch it's food.
Probably gave humans the idea for a "vaccum." Is intelligent and curious.
Likes to lay around alot, sort of like a couch potato. That's cool though.

They are usually quiet and know where to use the bathroom, unlike dogs.
Cats rule, dogs drool. Remember that.

6. your current location: bed

a matress on a stand or on the floor (lol) that has a blanket and pillows on it and u got to sleep on it coz sleep is so good

(Yeah, SLEEP FTW!!! ZZZ!!!)

7. your favourite number: 9

A number which was eaten by 7.

[Why are all the other numbers afraid of 7? Because 7 8 9 (seven ATE nine..)]

8. your favourite movie: Matrix Reloaded

1. a bad ass film which normally lame Keanu Reeves kicks some major ass.
2. A film in which you find out Zion and the "real world" is just another matrix outside the internal matrix and that everyone is still in pods under the machines control.
3. Bad ass special effects

9. an object closest to you: mouse

The protrusion into our dimension of a vastly hyperintelligent pandimensional being. The mice run the Earth, and it was they who paid for the Magratheans to build it.

(Which is why we need games like MouseHunt to kill off the invaders.)

10. the last person you talked to: Roommate

The reason I'm not getting any sleep right now.

(And so we stay up all night...)

11. your nickname: Matt

An attractive, smooth-talking, charming young man. When you'€™re with him, he makes you feel like a princess; when you're not, you know he is making another girl feel the same and not even thinking of you.


I'm Thankful

I'm thankful to whomever has helped in my passing Malay and forever freeing me from the subject.

I'm thankful that TJ Drama is moving to higher places.

I'm thankful on my seniors' behalf that so many of them have achieved results they can be happy with.

But mostly, I'm thankful that finally, finally, after four and a half years of suspicion, doubt, pain and suffering, I have, at long last, proven myself, been forgiven, and earned the trust I lost that painful night. It means so much to me, more than any words can express. Thank you.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Singapore Is The Golgi Apparatus Of The World

Golgi Apparatus (by JC definition): An organelle present within a cell that has the purpose of accepting proteins synthesized by the rough endoplasmic reticulum, and sorting them out, processing/modifying them and packaging them before sending them out to places that need them.

Singapore: A country which, to make up for lack of natural resources, started an entrepot port business, buying raw materials or unfinished products from outside, processing/modifying them and selling them out to other countries.

Sound familiar?



My blog. D'uh.

Where stray bolts(thoughts) get discharged from my head before they ionise every brain cell in my cerebral cortex.

That is... if I had one...

Name: WthameXt

Age: Septumdecim

Education Level: Jay Too

Place of Residence: A jungle with lots of lions...

Occupation: Foreign worker (here's to all you ASEAN scholars out there! ;P)

Likes: Food, Games, Sleep, Lightning

Dislikes: Nothing really...

Religion: Christian!!! And proud of it!!!

Click to view my Personality Profile page

More about me here.


Live Wires

Me Roomie
Rowland's tagboard
Myat Noe
Deep thoughts I wish I could write
Bo Er keeps on changing his URL
Miss Laffalot
Tiong Wei
Matt Chan
Ting Hui
Xi Nan
Mel scribbles
Pastor Kong
Recipes :P

Where Sparks Fly

Past Shocks
Women Rule The World

On The Air

An Interesting Situation

So This is the Power of A'Levels

JCT Woes


H1N1 Woes

Revelation of my Subconscious Self?

"I don't need to be a hero, I just want to help so...


The Circuit Board
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
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October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
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May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009

dafont. Destiny Boy