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Storms rock. There's the sunshine afterward to look forward to.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

My Total Opposite

Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Estuans interius
ira vehementi
Sors immanis                            
Et inanis
Sors immanis
Et inanis
Veni, veni, venias,                     
Ne me mori facias
Veni, veni, venias,
Ne me mori facias
Veni, veni, venias, (Gloriosa)
Ne me mori facias (Generosa)
Veni, veni, venias, (Gloriosa)
Ne me mori facias (Generosa)

My name is Mattina

Of all the interesting things that happen to me on the streets at random times, today's one had to take the cake. So Conk, Duy and I were going back to the the hostel after school, and after the crowd on the bus lessened, the other two ended up sitting, and I standing right in front of them. Now, there was this guy, who peered very closely at their phone/mp3s when they took them out. They didn't notice, but I did, and while I was puzzled, I didn't think anything of it. Maybe he was just another of the random tech-swakoos you see sometimes.


Imagine my surprise when he taps Duy's head after a while and begins talking to the two of them. I was plugged in, so I didn't hear, but the two were looking directly at me so the guy couldn't see their faces and they were trying earnestly to suppress their laughter. Of course, to reassure the guy, they occasionally turned back to look at him and smile. I was planning to just ignore this until I talked to them, making the guy realise that I was part of their group. So he starts talking to me.


He said a lot of random things, but this one stuck in my head:


"Eh, you know ah, you really look like girl ah! Yes, yes, you really look like girl! You know what you call your kind of people? COWBOY GIRL AH! Yes, yes, COWBOY GIRL!! I think next time I see you I call you like this, 'Girlgirl! Come here! Daddy want to take you to cinema! Daddy carry you to school!' "


At this point I was thinking he was clearly out of it, but I had no idea if he was a prejudiced whacko, or just plain whacko. Not that it would have mattered. Thanks to the trainings of the Drama Club, I maintained my composure better than Conk or Duy, but by this point it was too much for me. And I was looking right at the guy. So I forced myself to pretend to be busy sms-ing. But I made the STUPID mistake of saying this to Conk:


"Eh, like that I should have a twin sister who looks like a guy! Then there'll be balance!"


The guy started ranting again. "You know why you look like girl? Because you don't take care of your sister!! You don't take care of your sister, so she don't like you then you look like girl!"


"I don't have a sister." I couldn't help retorting.


"Then since you look like girl, you can be like a sister to these two guys here lah!" said the guy, pointing to Conk and Duy.


All three of us rolled our eyes and totally ignored the guy until we reached the hostel. In the background, though, I could still hear his:


"Aiyah, I trying to give you all this wisdom and then you don't listen! Listen to me lah! I giving you wisdom!"


When we finally reached the hostel bus stop, we resoundingly said goodbye to the whacko uncle before stepping out and laughing our butts off.


Do I really look like a girl????

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Is this testing my Music Library?

1. Write down every letter of your name.
2. Then type a song that pops up in your mind in each letter of your name as the first letter.
3. Count the letters of your name, and tag people you know in that number.


M: Moments That Matter - Corbin Bleu
A: Absolutely Everybody - Vanessa Amorosi
T: The 13th Struggle - Shimomura Yoko
T: The Answer to Our Life - Backstreet Boys
H: Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride - Jump5
E: Extraordinary - City Harvest Church
W: Where Is The Love? - Black Eyed Peas


Y: You - Switchfoot
E: Everyday - Delirious
E: Everyday - Vanessa Hudgens and Zac Efron


C: Crush - David Archuleta
H: Humuhumunukunukua'Pua'a - Ashley Tisdale and Lucas Gabreel
E: Eternal Story - Shimotsuki Haruka
N: Never Stop - Planetshakers


Y: You Got Game - Kimeru
U: Under The Sea - A*Teens
N: Nobody - Wonder Girls
G: Gee - SNSD

Monday, April 20, 2009

God works in mysterious ways

Who would have thought it? A monistic philosophical idea strengthening the faith of me, the theist. A great deal of all that was discussed in the philosophy lecture today has corroborated all that I believe in, and strengthened it.


Then Moses said to God, "Indeed, when I come to the children of Israel and say to them, 'The God of your fathers has sent me to you,' and they say to me, 'What is His name?' what shall I say to them?"

And God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM." And He said, "Thus you shall say to the people of Israel, 'I AM has sent me to you.' "


Language cannot be used to define the ultimate reality because language is a finite concept whereas divinity or the ultimate reality is supposedly infinite. To try and define it would be to limit it. So here's to my ultimate reality, my God who is transcendent of all human definition, the God WHO IS!!!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

The random things you see when you wander around on a weekend

Takashimaya. Orchard Road. 4 thirsty scholars rush down the corridor, knowing that there's a McDonald's 100 metres ahead, that sells DRINKS!!! We crowd around the cashier, order our drinks, and while waiting, stare in amazement at the worker who turns on the Ice Lemon Tea tap at the drinks' dispenser, and WASHES HIS HANDS UNDER THE FROTHING DESCENDING SUGAR WATER!!! Thank goodness I ordered Green Tea.


Borders. Orchard Road. One scholar, eyes sparkling, dances from bookshelf to bookshelf, looking for the, no, THE catalysts towards achieving that greatest joy in life that is reading. 2 scholars follow the first, keeping the first only just within view. After all, they don't want the people around them to think they know this book maniac. But something happened that could stop even MY book-browsing frenzy. As I was darting to and fro the bookshelves in Borders, I bumped into Agung and Juan, after a year of scarce contact. And just 5 minutes after, I bumped into Sing Hun. You want to find your scholar seniors? Look around Orchard Road during the weekend.


You also see the occasional megalomaniac trying to take over the world, the occasional dark monsters that appear out of nowhere only to be defeated by two noble superheroes, the occasional freak accident that causes dimensional rifts, the occasional magical artifacts that grant great knowledge, and of course, the ravenous wolves that prowl the streets.


Think I live in an imaginary world? It's true. I DID see uniformed men screaming orders, a child opening his mouth to throw a tantrum only to be silenced by his parents, the fusion of the world's cuisines in Food Republic, the philosophy books at Kinokuniya, and of course, the people begging for donations.It's all just how you choose to see it. I have chosen the more colourful way.

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Dystopic Parenting and a random thought

H2 Lit came alive today in Parkway Parade, as I saw elements of dystopia with my own eyes.

There was this father-son duo in Popular. Of course, I didn't know at first they were such, for the boy (who couldn't have been older than 13) was standing right in front of a bookshelf doing nothing but staring at the books, with his father quite a distance away, picking up assessment books, critically examining them with the eye of the trained kiasu Singaporean parent. Every now and then, the man's eyes shot around, looking at the boy, with a dangerous expression on his face. I, the innocent bystander, then concluded that if the man wasn't the boy's father, he was some kind of paedophile, so I stuck around, just in case.

A sudden movement. The boy reaches out and touches a book. The father immediately flares up, stomps up to the boy, and starts scolding him silently. Now, having my own things I needed to attend to, I couldn't utilise my eavesdropping skills to their fullest ability. Besides, music was streaming through my ears. So, having assured myself that the man was the boy's father and therefore had divinely (and earthly) ordained rights to stalk the boy, I continued picking up stationery for my soon-to-be-resurrected pencil case.

Coincidentally, as I approached the counter to pay for my stuff, I realised that I was right behind the father-son pair. And the father was still scolding him, with the boy standing cross-armed with the Stance of Teenage Rebellion, utilising the Teenage Skill of Rolling Eyeballs. Naturally, my hand surreptitiously wormed its way into my own pocket with the inconspicuousness of a retired pickpocket, and stealthily disconnected my earphones from my phone, stopping the music. Instantly, the melodious tunes of High School Musical were replaced by an angry gruff voice.

"...I told you to stand there and wait for me to finish! Why the hell did you pick up that book?"

"Eh, I was waiting there for you just like you.. ."

"I don't give a damn what your excuses are! Why did you pick up that book? Huh? Why?"

"I don't know."

" 'I don't know'? What do you mean, 'I don't know'? "

*Silence from the boy*

"Ok, I don't care. If you're gonna be like that, after I pay, we're going home. Straightaway. I don't care."

In true Russell Peters style, the boy threatens to call his mother, and takes out his phone, furiously punching in the numbers. I notice that his phone model is the same as mine. Now, some background knowledge. My phone model has the unique capability to be remotely locked, once a secret preset message is sent from any other handphone is sent to my phone model.

The father takes out his own phone and types out an sms, his fingers a blur. I half wonder whether he used to be a pickpocket too, or he's training to get a job at the IR when it opens. But anyhow, midway through patching the call through, the boy's phone locks itself as it receives the secret message. The boy jams his phone back into his pocket, glaring venomously at his father all the while. Payment is made, and the father drags his son out of Popular.

I'm all for firm parenting, but that was way overboard. Sure, I may not know the full story, but I'm pretty sure no extenuating circumstance could justify that kind of parenting. But who was I to declare that the guy was a dystopic whacko?



And now for the random thought:

Why is it that in modern times, when we see a boy and girl arguing, one of our comments or rebukes to them is: "Aiyah, you two can get married already, lah!"

Why do we associate a married couple with constant bickering? Is this how the stereotypical married couple behaves? Society has really changed.

Green Porno

Ayto: EY MATTHEW go see this video!!!

Matthew: *strange confused noise*

Ayto: Yeah, it's damn cute one!

Matthew: What video?

Ayto: Green Porno.

Matthew:*disbelievingly* Green... Porno...

Ayto: Yeah, go watch go watch!!

Matthew: Uh, what the fish is it about?

Ayto: Uh, yeah, it's a porno movie.


Ayto: No, but it's not porno per se!

Chi Yung: WAH what the hell does that mean, man!! What "not porno per se"?

Matthew: Ya lor I mean like what sia!! (I know this doesn't make sense, but hey, Singapore slang...)

Ayto: No no no, it's not a human porno movie...

Matthew: ???

Ayto: Yeah, it's about animals!

Matthew: !!!

Chi Yung: ZOMG you watch animal porn??? Human porn not enough ah?

Matthew: No way man. I already got watch an elephant give birth before and that was disgusting enough without porno being put into it.

Ayto: But it's educational!!!

Chi Yung: WTH MAN!!!

Ayto: Besides, it's not animal porno!

Matthew: Then what is it?

Ayto: It's human doing animal one!

Surya: (looks up from my DS) WTH AYTO YOU'RE INTO THIS KIND OF PORNO???

Ayto: Nonononononono it's not porno!

Surya: Heh? Didn't you just say it was porno?

Matthew: So what, it's some kind of documentary?

Ayto: NO it's much more cuter than that!! *reaches for my com*



Everyone except Ayto: ...

Turns out, the 'Green Porno' was actually a series of short films of animal sexual behaviour, acted out by humans in ridiculous costumes. So it WAS a documentary!!! The kind of documentaries that are meant for kids because they censor things without censoring things. Trust America to come up with this.


*5 mins later*


Ayto: Eh play play play I wanna watch again! I'm addicted already!

Matthew: ...

For Ayto's version of the story, visit his blog at http://babikotak.blogspot.com.

*Disclaimer to Mum and Dad* It's REALLY not porn. Trust me. And my roomie isn't in the dark side yet.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

C for PW

All things considered, it's actually quite a great achievement, considering the majorly-scary incident that happened during the Oral Presentation, moderators who were biased against us, and a useless PW teacher who seemed to be concerned only about the small details than the overall project itself. I'm quite thankful, really, that it turned out this way, because it could just as easily have gone further south. I'm quite surprised I got higher than D, to tell the truth.


But I overestimated my own emotional tolerance levels, and severely underestimated how great the emotional drain would be heartily and honestly congratulating all those who got A, and those who got the results they're happy with. I mean, after all, after the hurlyburly's done, the fact remains that I'm in the bottom 4% of the school. I guess the only way out now is to work like mad for A Levels and get straight A's. Which is a daunting task in and of itself.


But I won't work now. I'm tired.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Face of Evil

Bio used to be my favourite content subject. Until today. Nothing against the subject, or the teachers, but rather, the 'learning aura' has been disrupted for me by the arrival of an unlikely new transfer student in LT2 today.


A freaking huge (and I mean huge) spider on the bl**dy ceiling. It was like this big:


Yes, as big as my outstretched palm, which is insanely big for a spider. Just in case my previous photo didn't fully show the size of the beast, here it is right next to my palm, to give you a better idea.


Actually, it's a surprise I managed to take a photo at all. Due to my intense arachnophobia, it was all I could do to scream like this:


The Sound Of Music

Interestingly enough, it has been proven that people who like singing tend to be happier than those who don't. It doesn't even matter which kind of songs they like singing. As long as they like to sing, and frequently let their vocal chords strut their stuff, they statistically turn out happier people. Actually, it's not just singing. It's anything to do with music, be it singing, playing an instrument, or dancing to a tune.


Most likely, this is due to the fact that music is cathartic. Music captures the heart and emotions of the person creating the said music, and this catharsis is released to the surroundings. If the musician is feeling sad, the sadness is dispersed. If he feels happy, he declares it to the world, which, due to some reason not fully understood yet, makes him even happier. And when one sings the song again, plays the notes, or dances to the beat of it, they themselves take in the emotions locked in the song, relate to it, and release it for the same effect.


So sing more! Clear the dust of that old piano and strike a few bars! Let your body dance naturally to the beat of your favourite songs! If you're embarrassed to strut your stuff (or the lack of it), heck, do it when you're alone! The long term effects are way worth it. Music is one of the world's miracles that is often taken for granted. And if you can relate to a song, or an instrumental piece personally, all the better! As I posted a long way back, Positivity is not innate, it's a trained thing. And the catharsis of music can surely help you get there.


Maybe I should let my roommate go on his tone-deaf singing sprees more often. It's the effect that counts, anyway.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

-Cures sunburns
-Moisturizes skin
-Removes body odour
-Tastes damn good in a drink
-Has multiple essential vitamins
-Reproduces quickly, so all the above benefits can be mass produced!

Friday, April 3, 2009

A Crazy Day

This morning, my view that girls are better than guys was proven right yet again. We were walking from the hostel to the bus stop like everyone's average TJC scholar, and once we reached there, since the bus hadn't arrived since, well, 9 years before or something, the bus stop was congested with people. No, it was more like the molecules of a solid particle.

But anyway, there was this narrow lane for walking which we provided for the other members of the community to walk through, since after all, our school's core values include integrity and care for others. So, there was this random scholar who walked through the lane to get to the even-more-congested center of the bus stop. With two cyclists right on his tail ringing their bells madly.

Of course, he didn't hear. Why? Because like almost every member of our relatively anti-social generation (I can hear the parents say "HAH!" around now), he was plugged into his iPod. So we gesture to him like wild monkeys and he finally gets the hint and avoids the cyclist behind him. And wedges himself back in the lane, not noticing the second cyclist.

We gesture again. He doesn't notice. The second cyclist patiently follows behind him until the lane gets wider, and then he shoots after his friend. After witnessing this saga, the group of us start chattering. About what? D'uh. But you should see the difference.

Girls: "OMG OMG OMG He could have died! Or, like, gotten seriously hurt!"
Guys: "OMG OMG OMG Did you SEE the Mercedes Benz T-shirt the second guy was wearing??"

The girls have their priorities right, man.

Today was the day of the school's annual track meet, and as an official, I had a hell of a time (literally) standing in the swelteringly hot sun checking that the baton-passers passed that insanely shiny stick properly, and holding up green and red cards to signal Mr. Sim as if I was some soccer referee. I was sunburnt like crap, but I do thank God for the clouds that prevented it from becoming sunstroke or something. What's more, tomorrow, I'm an official at the Duathlon Challenge. I'm gonna get more sunburnt.

To my dear classmates: At flag-raising on Monday, you will see a brown-eyed, red-boned skeleton standing in front of your line. Fear not, for I have not become an undead, I am merely a victim of the scalding powers of our own star Solaris.

I recently met up with one of my best female friends, who strongly recommended this song to me. I agree wholeheartedly with it (Sorry, guys...)

Never Underestimate A Girl
by Vanessa Hudgens

It takes a girl to understand
Just how to win
She knows...She can
I think it's clear
Who wears the pants
What boy...could stand...a chance

She makes it look easy
In control completely
She'll get the best of you...every single...time
Thought by now you'd realize you should

Never underestimate a girl
Gets anything she wants
She's never gonna stop
(You know it...we know it)
Never underestimate a girl
She's always got a plan
The world is in her hands

She got the lipstick
Puts it together
Boys have it good
But girls have it better...(watch out)
Your secretary might
End up your boss
Whether you...really like it...or not

She makes it look easy
In control control completely
She'll get the best of you... every single...time
That's right...no no no you should

Never underestimate a girl
Gets anything she wants
She's never gonna stop
(You know it...we know it)
Never underestimate a girl
She's always got a plan
The world is in her hands

She might be the president
Make all the rules
Don't try to win the game
You're only gonna lose
Now girls you know we got it
Got it goin on
We've been tryin to tell them all along
Listen up guys
Take a little sound advice

Never underestimate a girl
Gets anything she wants
She's never gonna stop
(You know it...we know it)
Never underestimate a girl
She's always got a plan
The world is in her hands

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

The Storyteller's Creed

I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge -
That myth is more potent than history -
That dreams are more powerful than facts -
That hope always triumphs over experience -
That laughter is the only cure for grief.
And I believe that love is stronger than death.

Robert Fulghum



My blog. D'uh.

Where stray bolts(thoughts) get discharged from my head before they ionise every brain cell in my cerebral cortex.

That is... if I had one...

Name: WthameXt

Age: Septumdecim

Education Level: Jay Too

Place of Residence: A jungle with lots of lions...

Occupation: Foreign worker (here's to all you ASEAN scholars out there! ;P)

Likes: Food, Games, Sleep, Lightning

Dislikes: Nothing really...

Religion: Christian!!! And proud of it!!!

Click to view my Personality Profile page

More about me here.


Live Wires

Me Roomie
Rowland's tagboard
Myat Noe
Deep thoughts I wish I could write
Bo Er keeps on changing his URL
Miss Laffalot
Tiong Wei
Matt Chan
Ting Hui
Xi Nan
Mel scribbles
Pastor Kong
Recipes :P

Where Sparks Fly

Past Shocks
Women Rule The World

On The Air

An Interesting Situation

So This is the Power of A'Levels

JCT Woes


H1N1 Woes

Revelation of my Subconscious Self?

"I don't need to be a hero, I just want to help so...


The Circuit Board
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008
April 2008
May 2008
June 2008
July 2008
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
October 2009

dafont. Destiny Boy