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Storms rock. There's the sunshine afterward to look forward to.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

An Interesting Situation

My blog has been dead for quite some time, so what better way to resurrect it than with one of the interesting things that seem to be such a common occurrence in my life?


On our 'interview skills' handout we got today for Civics:

"Questions you can ask in response to the interviewer's question 'Do you have anything you would like to ask us?' "

And one of those questions was "Would you like me to answer any other questions?"

Imagine the fiasco at the interview room.

"So, before we finish this interview, would you like to ask us anything?"

"Well, I was wondering if you had anything else you wanted to ask me."

"We just did. That's our last question: Would you like to ask us anything?"

"I know. So my question is: Do you have anything else to ask me?"

"Are you trying to be funny with us?"

"Hey, no way man, I honestly want to know."

"But we're giving you an opportunity to find out what you want to know about us!"

"Yeah, and what I want to find out from you is whether you have anything else to ask me!"

"Sir, this is a serious interview."

"I'm aware of that. And I'm being serious."

"By asking us whether we want to ask you anything?"

"Well, yeah."



Of course, interviewers won't be THAT unprofessional. But it'd be interesting, wouldn't it?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

So This is the Power of A'Levels

If the JCTs are any indicator (and I think they are), the Prelims and the A'Levels may prove to indeed be the most demanding piece of **** that we'll ever face.

At this rate, it's no wonder the school is rapidly going into super-revision mode. And giving us 'protected time' later on in the term. And bemoaning our abysmal performance in the JCTs. And stressing to us that Prelims are only 10 weeks away. And... well, you get the idea.

Methinks that for the eventual hell that is to come, prayer and divine intervention (some might say luck), will be just as crucial as the actual work we do in preparation.

On the bright side, though, once it's over, it's over for good. There won't be any Z'Levels or anything like that. I hope.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

JCT Woes

The only thing I want to say about the Lit paper on Monday is: "I never want to see the word UNACCOUNTABLE ever again!" My God, I must have been rambling on and on and on without even doing anything significant. But the other two essays seemed ok, so overall it was fine, I guess.

As for GP yesterday, I'm starting to wonder if I'm way too predictable. I mean, every single person I came across managed to guess which essay I wrote on the first try! I guess my selection range really is that narrow. And the compre was ridiculous. Could they have given a more difficult-to-paraphrase passage? Just when I thought I'd figured out what to say, I spot the same phrase two lines down. Grr.

And WHAT was the Bio paper all about? Bloody difficult. I don't think I've ever taken that long for a Bio paper before. Ran out of time near the last essay question. So in total that's like 10 marks gone. And who knows how much of the nonsense I wrote would be accepted?

I think I sound very angsty. I shall shut up now.



My blog. D'uh.

Where stray bolts(thoughts) get discharged from my head before they ionise every brain cell in my cerebral cortex.

That is... if I had one...

Name: WthameXt

Age: Septumdecim

Education Level: Jay Too

Place of Residence: A jungle with lots of lions...

Occupation: Foreign worker (here's to all you ASEAN scholars out there! ;P)

Likes: Food, Games, Sleep, Lightning

Dislikes: Nothing really...

Religion: Christian!!! And proud of it!!!

Click to view my Personality Profile page

More about me here.


Live Wires

Me Roomie
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Xi Nan
Mel scribbles
Pastor Kong
Recipes :P

Where Sparks Fly

Past Shocks
Women Rule The World

On The Air

An Interesting Situation

So This is the Power of A'Levels

JCT Woes


H1N1 Woes

Revelation of my Subconscious Self?

"I don't need to be a hero, I just want to help so...


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dafont. Destiny Boy