Storms rock. There's the sunshine afterward to look forward to.
Sunday, February 10, 2008

It's all about leadership.
The responsibility that one carries to make sure that those under his/her charge succeed in their task.
The leader carries quite a greater amount of power, of authority than those under him/her, but this also means the price to pay for failure is also exponentially higher.
Leaders have different names, different titles, depending on the task at hand, the setting and of course, the people under him/her.
General. Executive Manager. Student Council Leader. Father. Leader of all the microscopic wiggly things in an individual's body. Everyone is a leader in their own right. And there are an uncountable number of 'levels of leadership'. For instance, a general might wield much more power than a mere lieutenant. True, there are 'nominal leaders' who are being controlled by their 'subordinates', but let's not go there.
The point is, leadership is a great burden, and there is only so much leadership one can be appointed to and not crack under the strain. Every individual has a unique capacity for leadership. Some certainly have it, others must be trained, others just don't.
I don't know which of the three groups I belong to. But I'd better find out fast. I need to know if I will be able to handle the strain of Chem rep, Orientation Group Leader, Connect Group Leader (to come, hopefully), 'Supervisor' of four of my fellow hostelites and master of all the microscopic wiggly things in my body. All rather small responsibilities, one might add, but then again, a sea of nothingness creates something. And that something is rather great...