Storms rock. There's the sunshine afterward to look forward to.
Friday, February 22, 2008
Zenith II

It's the day after the third and final day of Orientation 2: Zenith II. I have been an Orientation Group Leader for 3 whole days. My enthusiasm reached its zenith. My voice has reached the zeniths of volume I never knew I could do, and now, I sound like the final boss of some weird techno-rpg... This morning, I tried some vocal 'exercises' but couldn't manage a squeak.

Think I was stressed? Unless you're an OGL too, you couldn't have known the stress I faced. Still, unless you've known me for at least a month, you'd think the stress would affect me. Well, it didn't. So there! Haha!
Think I enjoyed myself? Of course! I loved the whole 3 days and I wish it never ended. Then again, if it went on forever, we would all die eventually from exhaustion. Not to mention it would get rather boring after a while cheering our hearts and souls out. But still, it was great fun, and I really really want to be an OGL for next year now... Here's to all the OGMs in my OG and also my fellow OGLs! Thanks for making Zenith II a wonderful experience for me. OG8, Slithas and Yaya baik! *Baik, baik, baik baik!*
I must admit though, I was rather shocked at the final outcome of the Orientation. Panthera got second, while Zephon clinched the champion trophy. Slithas had to be ahead. I knew for a fact that Slithas won the Mass Games, The Act, and B-Manji. We also did spectacularly well for the College Trivia, even though we didn't win, and we managed to hold our own in the cheering thanks to our wonderful OGMs who by the second day were willing to be enthu-d up. But, we still didn't get into the top 2 clans. I have my own ideas about why, some involving a certain person who screwed up the scoring by pushing Zephon a long way ahead by giving 6000 points in one go! But it doesn't matter now, it's all over, and I'm kinda sad, but happy for everything I went through.