Storms rock. There's the sunshine afterward to look forward to.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Valentine's Day

After approximately 1800 years, that is, one point eight millenia, Valentine's Day has become known throughout most of the world as a day where one reveals his or her love interest, or merely seeks to inculcate a general feeling of happiness by sending anyone he/she knows chocolate or flowers or a similar well-intentioned gift. To put it in a distinct 'Yoda' phrasing, "A happy moment, Valentine's Day has become."
It was not so approximately 1800 years ago.
Valentine's Day is so named because of the numerous early Christian martyrs (all named Valentine O_0) who died for Jesus. They all strove to bring Jesus to their world, their immediate environment, and much more. Within the period from AD197 to AD269, coincidentally, numerous Valentine's died for Jesus while trying to bring his love to the people they cared for. To them, the greatest gift they could give was the love of Jesus. And the fact of the matter was they were giving this present long before Valentine's Day was established. Heck, they weren't even going to live to see the first Valentine's Day. But they gave anyway.
It matters not if you're reading this and you're not a Christian. I still challenge you to, in the true spirit of giving, just like the Saint Valentines of olde did, to show someone that you care for him/her. Do not give love because tradition says you have to, or you feel obligated to do so. Give love because it is one of the greatest and most long-lasting gift anyone can give.
Happy Valentine's Day!!!