Half Blind
If anyone ever wants to know what it feels like to get sulphuric acid right in your eye, mail me. I can give a first hand account.
And so it was that the class was doing the mock SPA (that's the practical assessment, for the non-Singaporeans), and by some coincidental twist of fate, sulphuric acid got sprayed right into my eye.
The natural first thought is that it's just water. I mean, what else enters the eye, right? But then, suddenly, your vision goes white, and you feel this incredible burning feeling that feels just like when you get soap in your eye, just a hundred times more crazy. At that point, all you want to do is just find a tap and drown your eyes. Which is exactly what I did, drowning the 2.5 ml of sulphuric acid in about 5 litres of water. That was yesterday, at around 3 p.m. Despite that, even now, right here, I might as well be half blind. I can see perfectly, but my eye is so sensitive and still stinging, if I open my eye, it might get worse. And so I wander around the school half blind. It's worse then you think...