Storms rock. There's the sunshine afterward to look forward to.
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Sharing Joys
It is indeed a cause for great joy. On Friday, the 7th of March, at approximately 1430 hrs, TJ-Cians and one Rafflesian whom the JC1s had only known beforehand as our relief teachers all fled their lessons to receive the piece of paper that would be their first step to a good career start, or not. Yes, I speak of the A-Level results. I, being but a lowly JC1, was not there to witness totally their reactions and emotions, but I learnt of a few of the teachers, JC3s, I know have acheived incredibly wonderful results and I would like to congratulate them here, on this oh-so-unassuming blog.
Congratulations to:
Mr. Aulia - All As
Ms. Amita - Unfortunately, my intel is lacking in this area
Cikgu Seha - All As 0_O
And not forgetting...
John Gobok (I refuse to put the 'Mr'. He is, after all, my senior, and not my teacher, so I refuse to call him
Mr. John when there's no other teacher around...) - All As, as expected from a scholar... (clearly biased, huh?)
Mr. Lock Hong Quan!!! (My esteemed, cool, friendly, warm and Rafflesian GP tutor) - All As, as expected from a Rafflesian...
Congrats to you all!!! :)